Vincent Willem Van Gogh (1853-1890)
Born in Groot-Zundert, The Netherlands, Van Gogh spent his early life as an art dealer, teacher and preacher in England, Holland and Belgium. His period as an artist began in 1881 when he chose to study art in Brussels, starting with watercolours and moving quickly on to oils. The French countryside was a major influence on his life and his early work was dominated by sombre, earthy colours depicting peasant workers, the most famous of which is The Potato Eaters, 1885.
It was during Van Gogh's studies in Paris (1886-8) that he developed the individual style of brushwork and use of colour that made his name. In 1888 he moved to Arles where the Provençal landscape provided his best-known subject matter. However, it also marked the start of his mental crisis following an argument with his contemporary Paul Gauguin. Van Gogh was committed to a mental asylum in 1889 where he continued to paint, but he committed suicide in 1890.
Estate 1890: Vincent Van Gogh realizza "Campi di grano con volo di corvi". Ha da tempo smesso di dipingere l'immagine che vede riflessa nello specchio; ma posa il pennello e prende una pistola. Parte da qui il racconto di Simon Schama, nell’episodio della serie “Simon Schama, il potere dell’arte” in onda venerdì 19 agosto alle 22.15 su Rai5, dedicato all’opera e alla vita del pittore olandese. "La pittura" scrive Van Gogh, "è la barca che ci porta a riva dopo un naufragio". Infatti la pittura è l'attività che calma le sue paure e lenisce le sue ferite dell'anima. Violenti colpi di pennelli cancellano delusioni e amarezze; l'energia convulsa della sua forza creativa passa sulla tela, dove il colore obbedisce all'estasi e lascia sprofondare sotto strati di pittura le insicurezze, l'amarezza, la durezza della vita.
Среди мастеров постимпрессионизма Ван Гогу принадлежит особое место. Его повышенное эмоциональное восприятие мира было созвучно многим художественным начинаниям XIX века, открывало новые пути постижению реальности. Период работы на юге Франции был самым плодотворным для художника. Его слова "жизнь искать в цвете" стали лейтмотивом творчества. Между участившимися душевными кризисами, которые привели Ван Гога в больницу для душевнобольных, художник находит спасение в живописи. Его картины в это время загадочны и полны тревожного предчувствия - сумрачные цветовые сочетания, деформированные деревья и архитектурные объемы в полотнах "Часовня в Овере", "Вороны в пшеничном поле".