All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Ninjas in the Classroom! Don't Blow Our Cover

    • June 10, 2012

    Mai and Ayane are new students at M.I.T. (The Maximus Institute of Texas). However, they are more than just your ordinary students...they're apparently undercover ninjas. Can they keep their secret a secret? Probably.

  • S01E02 Crazy like a fox, cute as a mouse

    • December 10, 2013

    After rescuing Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid), Bobby Sykes hit his head and fell unconscious at the end of the first episode. Now, he's been captured by The Krunky Punks: NUTT, BLADE, and TINY. Now, Mouse stands before Bobby, ready to strike on NUTT's command! Will she attack Bobby and become an official member of the Punks? Or, will the unexpected happen, instead? Also, is that the eternal thrill seeker Mina Kim there on the Fred Hartman bridge? I hope she doesn't fall...

  • S01E03 He's the dream she won't remember when she opens her eyes!

    • March 4, 2014

    After rescuing Mina Kim from her fall off the Fred Hartman bridge, Bobby Sykes attempts to escort her back to her home. However, they run into some trouble along the way with the Bad Biker Boys...and their buddy Angela "Ladybug" Rose...the Bad Biker Babe! It promises to be quite the memorable night... Or perhaps not...

  • S01E04 Blackmail! The Princess and the Knight!

    • June 13, 2013

    Explore the powerful relationship between Ayane Shiun and Ninja Girl Mai! Even best friends fight...but can Porkchop and Flatscreen make up before it's too late? Also starring Bobby Sykes, Mina Kim, The Krunky Punks, and Mouse! Keep an eye out for Manami Toyota's Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex as well as a Sailor Moon / Tuxedo Mask reference!

  • S01E05 Leash.

    • June 2, 2014

    Finally, the school headmistress, Queen Morrigan enters the Porkchop 'n Flatscreen universe! It seems that the students have been getting away with too much delinquency the past couple of days. And, as Morrigan always says: "A school without discipline is a school without class!" Don't get a detention in a school run by ninjas, or you may live to regret it in a life or death battle with the Spider Queen herself! Ninja Girl Mai, Mick the Blade, Mina Kim, and the Bangers find this out the hard way! Also, who is that young man standing in the distance? At first Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) thinks it's Bobby Sykes...but upon closer examination it's someone completely different!

  • S01E06 Kiss Kiss, Fall in Love!

    • August 29, 2014

    The Moon Man Halloway Jr. has an accidental "encounter" with Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid)! Halloway's special ninja ability, complete mastery over emotion, allows him to feel what others feel...even know what they know. Ayane is one person who feels with all her heart, and so her extremely earnest, powerful emotions trigger Halloway's ability involuntarily! The incomparable love revealed to Halloway is so staggering that he is intrigued by its recipient: Bobby Sykes. Conveniently, Bobby Sykes appears before Halloway, concerned for Ayane's well being. Bobby sees her lying unconscious at the feet of the silver haired stranger and assumes the worst... Halloway couldn't be more pleased by these circumstances. A perfect opportunity to evaluate this Bobby Sykes person. Does he deserve such undying affection from this innocent girl? Does he love her, too? Meanwhile, Mai is trapped in detention, facing off against Queen Morrigan...

  • S01E07 #tacoSMOOTHIE

    • November 15, 2014

    Halloway Jr. takes romance very seriously. So, when he believes that Bobby Sykes is mistreating the institution of love by lying about his feelings, he forces Bobby to choose between Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) and Mina Kim in a life or death situation. However, the experiment's results are still inconclusive. So, Halloway proceeds to plan B...a set up! While Bobby and Mina are unconscious, he drags them to Bobby's home and stages a compromising scene: Bobby and Mina (both involuntarily) lying in bed together!

  • S01E08 Destined to Die Young (The meaning of Shiun)

    • January 17, 2015

    Last time, Katherine "Kit" Hart found some sort of psycho pervert girl attacking her precious little "brother" Bobby Sykes in his bedroom. No one hurts her little Bobby an gets away with it! So some Hart-style Texas justice was in order... Kit Hart (the world's most competitive woman), defends the virtue of her dude in distress, taking out Mina Kim in the process... Meanwhile, Ayane Shiun takes on Morrigan in an attempt to rescue Ninja Girl Mai. However, this isn't the first time Ayane's family has clashed with Morrigan's ninja clan...

  • S01E09 I'm Gonna Die For You

    • April 11, 2015

    Somewhere between every human being's last breath and eternity, the recently departed souls from the land of the living face a difficult decision…a literal life and death situation. Will you reclaim your previous life and earn a second chance? Or will you succumb to the despair and uncertainty of the ever after…from which no one ever returns. Death.

  • S01E10 When you look at the moon, think of me.

    • July 25, 2015

    "Are you…my Luna?" Halloway Jr., the self proclaimed boyfriend of the moon, encounters a mysterious young woman late in the evening. Her eyes shine like the night itself. Her presence as intense and intimidating as the heavens.

  • S01E11 C+ is still a passing grade!

    • October 16, 2015

    Mina Kim is no stranger to danger. She's a thrill seeker who ironically feels most alive when faced with imminent death. After getting her butt kicked by Kit Hart, Mina falls unconscious into a nearby stream. On the verge of drowning, she finds herself in the spiritual realm, trapped between life and death. But, she's been here before…after all, as a consummate risk taker, she has gambled her life on more than one occasion… Her extensive experience in this spiritual realm has left her with a few special tricks…like her trademark electrical kicks. There are some abilities a human being can only learn once they transcend the limitations of the physical plane…manipulating spiritual energy is one of them.

  • S01E12 Skim Milk Sisters: Mai's Final Words

    • January 15, 2016

    In episode 11, Mina Kim inadvertently saved Ninja Girl Mai from the grips of the afterlife. But, just as Mina and Mai are about to return to the world of the living, the Stick Bandit prevents Mai from leaving. Mai is technically dead, after all (hence the halo). The Stick Bandit's job as the grim reaper is to preserve the balance between the living world and the afterlife. He sends Mina back through the door of life, while sending Mai toward to door of death… Before she meets her end, Mai uses her final words to call out to…Ayane.

  • S01E13 Big Woman

    • June 3, 2016

    To honor Ninja Girl Mai's memory, Mina Kim has defeated Morrigan in battle. Or so Mina thought… Unfortunately, it'll take a little bit more to keep the Spider Queen down for the count. In the blink of an eye, Morrigan lands a crippling counter attack on Mina which leaves her helpless. Just as Morrigan stands poised to inflict a fatal blow on Mina, an acquaintance from episode 4 makes a startling return!

  • S01E14 Black Dog

    • August 12, 2016

    Using the power of death which enveloped her, Ninja Girl Mai was able to escape the spiritual world. She returns to the living plane with one thing on her mind…revenge. Revenge against Morrigan for killing Mai’s clan. For killing Mai’s older brother.

  • S01E15 Seed

    • November 11, 2016

    Consumed by the dark death, Ninja Girl Mai lashed out and accidentally struck down her only brother Jubei. The one she thought was dead. The one she had sworn to avenge. The realization of this tragic fact overwhelms her with emotion, and she faints. Meanwhile, a shadowy figure approaches in the darkness of the sewer tunnel. It’s up to Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) to protect herself and her fallen friend from whoever challenges them!

  • S01E16 Empty

    • March 24, 2017

    Mina Kim is used to being the center of attention. And so, when she suddenly finds herself on the outside looking in, it doesn’t sit well with her. She doesn’t like being ignored. Deep down inside, she doesn’t like feeling unwanted. And even worse, all the attention recently has been sucked up by one woman and one woman only…Ayane Shiun (the Chubby Mermaid). Mai ignored Mina for Ayane. Bobby ignored Mina for Ayane. Even the Principal Queen Morrigan seems more interested in Ayane than Mina.

  • S01E17 Mai wears a dress

    • April 28, 2017

    Mai wakes up after several days of unconsciousness. Her memories of recent incidents are hazy at best…but, one image persists in her mind above than others. The image of her older brother Jubei. Ever since his death years ago, she thinks about him a lot…but this time, for some reason, the memory of him feels different. His visage feels clearer…more recent…more powerful than usual…

  • S01E18 Who do you love?

    • July 7, 2017

    Ayane Shiun retrieves Ninja Girl Mai from the park and drags Mai along with her (to keep her out of trouble). Suddenly, Ayane receives a message from Bobby Sykes, asking her to meet him at school tonight. Without a second thought, she rushes off to get ready for her “date”! Without Ayane there to drag Mai home, Mai is free to continue searching for her lost weasel Jubei II. While posting signs around town, Mai encounters Mina Kim at the lake in the park, dressed strangely and behaving strangely…as if Mina has mysterious plans for the evening…

  • S01E19 Baby, I don't wanna know

    • July 7, 2017

    Mina demands that Mai choose: Me or Ayane! But…is Mina truly prepared for the answer? Sometimes it's easier to reject others before they have a chance to reject us...

  • S01E20 Game of Love!

    • October 28, 2017

    The Bangers do Mina Kim's bidding and capture Bobby Sykes using a technique that pro-wrestling fans might recognize from the Dudley Boys.... Ayane Shiun makes her way through the school to rescue Bobby Sykes, who has been captured by Mina Kim and the Bangers.

  • S01E21 The Big Boss!

    • December 29, 2017

    Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) has finally made it to the roof where Mina Kim is holding Bobby captive. Powered by Yaoi, Mina becomes unstoppable, donning her Bruce Lee-inspired yellow track dress! With her senses "stimulated", it's becomes almost impossible for Ayane to even touch her, let alone rescue her boyfriend Bobby!

  • S01E22 Secret Boss

    • March 10, 2018

    Mouse faces off against Nutt in an otherworldly battle! After the shocking conclusion of episode 21, Ayane is stunned. Bobby fell off the roof of the school...but, he mysteriously disappeared, only leaving a trail of blood. Ayane catches up to Bobby who is straying further and further from the light, closer and closer to darkness.

  • S01E23 Game Over

    • June 16, 2018

    In a flashback, Ayane reminisces about a time when Mai saved her from a snake, back on ninja island. Mai has always been extremely protective of Ayane...sometimes to the point where it ends up hurting her or Ayane...

  • S01E24 Ninjas in the Classroom! Mai’s cover is blown!

    • October 5, 2018

    Now that she knows her brother is alive, Ninja Girl Mai wants to return to school to find him. Ayane (Chubby Mermaid) thinks it’s too dangerous to return, since their cover has been blown. Even so, Mai is determined, and she slips out the door past Ayane…

  • S01E25 Cinderella and the glass bra

    • January 5, 2019

    Headmistress Morrigan discovers the holes in the windows that Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) made in Episode 24. Morrigan surmises that the holes were created by a specific female body part. She also notices that a pink kunai was left at the scene. Instantly reminded of the well endowed female ninja armed with pink kunai from Episode 8, Morrigan figures out that the holes were created by that same well endowed female ninja. An enemy of Morrigan’s clan. This pink kunai ninja girl has somehow infiltrated the school in disguise!

  • S01E26 BIG T*T ENERGY!

    • April 12, 2019

    Just before Goose was able to shave Mina Kim’s head, Ninja Girl Mai suddenly appears to save Mina! Mai can’t believe that the rival who gives her so much trouble could be defeated by someone like Goose…someone whose eyes betray her and convey doubts of her own superiority.

  • S01E27 Fangirls always stan!

    • July 12, 2019

    The Fangirls (Blue, Cookie, and Hannah) stumbled upon an unconscious Ninja Girl Mai, the subject of their fandom. However, they soon discover that Ninja Girl Mai is indeed a girl, and not the dashing young man they were initially infatuated with. This discovery threatens to destroy the Fangirls’ devotion to the Mai Fan Club…

  • S01E28 Mina loses her spark!

    • December 21, 2019

    Kit Hart is wondering why these two suspicious girls (Mina Kim and Mouse) have suddenly crash landed onto her family’s ranch…and why they happened to crash land into Rick Sykes’ open arms! Mina Kim then remembers Kit Hart from their confrontation in Episodes 7 and 8. In a fit of rage, she attacks Kit with a lightning kick! However, the lightning in her kick fizzles out without warning…that’s strange…

  • S01E29 What are you running from?

    • January 25, 2020

    Mina Kim is so impressed by Rick’s performance against Morrigan that she wants him to be her teacher. Maybe he can help her get her spark back…

  • S01E30 Rematch

    • March 14, 2020

    After her crushing defeat in episode 25, Mina Kim challenged Juliet “Goose” Gusman to a rematch. If Mina wins, she regains leadership of the “Bangers” girl gang that Goose took over. However, if Mina loses, she losers her beloved hair.

  • S01E31 Goose plays chicken!

    • May 9, 2020

    Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid) interrupts the fight between Mina Kim and Juliet “Goose” Gusman to make sure it’s a 1 on 1 battle.

  • S01E32 (please) Fight Like a Girl!

    • June 6, 2020

    A decade ago, Su Han Kim brought his son Ho Sung (Howie) and daughter Mi Na (Mina) to the Stone Garden for Taekwondo training. Su Han, a martial arts instructor for the South Korean military, was well known throughout martial arts circles as a world class fighter. His family’s traditional style was known for its flashiness, destructive power, and electrifying kicks. According to legend, Su Han’s bloodline has been blessed by the Fabled Korean Lightning General God (번개장군) himself, allowing them to summon powerful lightning in their attacks.

  • S01E33 Enter the Dragon Lady

    • September 11, 2020

    Mina stands poised to deliver the knock out blow to Goose, when Goose suddenly unveals her final trump card: Golden Egg!

  • S01E34 Are you in love with my daughter??

    • December 5, 2020

    The brutal, personal battle between Mina Kim and Juliet "Goose" Gusman finally reaches its conclusion! In a miraculous moment of enlightenment, Mina manages to perform her mother's Frost Touch technique, immobilizing Goose in a block of ice.

  • S01E35 The Death of the Bangers

    • March 27, 2021

    Ninja Girl Mai is confronted by a woman who looks strangely similar to Mina Kim. The woman is Jun Hee Kim, Mina Kim’s mother. Or rather, it’s the spirit of Jun Hee using Mouse as a sort of medium between the living world and the spiritual world.

  • S01E36 Aya Ka Ne Forever: You are not alone!

    • August 14, 2021

    Jun Hee Kim, who had passed some time ago, has accomplished what she came back to the living world to accomplish. She settled things with her troubled daughter Mina (via Mouse), and confirmed that Mina’s will to live a full, meaningful life has been reaffirmed.

  • S01E37 Like mother, like daughter

    • February 18, 2022

    Jun Hee’s daughter Mina is a difficult and impressionable young woman, and Jun Hee knew she’d need a special kind of mentor to guide her on a better path in life. Jun Hee knew that mentor couldn’t be Mina’s father or Mina’s big brother, because, quite frankly, those two always took it easy on Mina. No, Mina needs someone TOUGH to shape her future…

  • S01E38 Homecoming (Part 1)

    • July 22, 2022

    Mina emplores Rick to become their teacher once more...but before he can respond, a familiar face appears upon the nearby barn. It's Bobby Sykes (Rick's little brother), whom we haven't seen since Bobbi took over his body several episodes ago.

  • S01E39 Karma Chameleon

    • January 5, 2023

    Mina Kim, along with Ninja Girl Mai and Ayane Shiun (Chubby Mermaid), visited the Butterfly Ranch to see Rick Xykes and convince him to be their teacher. However, suddenly Bobby Sykes interrupts them with a sparring challenge! For some reason, he seems unusually angry with the 3 girls…almost as if a totally different person were controlling his personality…

  • S01E40 Stray Cat Strut

    • August 19, 2023

    Unfortunately for Ayane, NUTT and the crew take "punk" very seriously and teach her the lesson she doesn't WANT to learn...but absolutely NEEDS to learn, anyway. Sometimes in battle, you can't protect what you love without also hurting something else. And, if she wants to RESCUE Bobby, she'll need to be okay with FIGHTING (and hurting) Bobby.