Terero Termin, a renowned One-Man Orchestra developer, asks the Tsuge Office for help in developing his Counterfeit Rainbow, an automatic instrument that can play Commandia without a Dantist. However, he dies before finishing it. While in the town, activity from anti-spirits movement are becoming more dangerous, and rumors about a spirit who can Commandia. Believing that the Counterfeit Rainbow has the soul of Termin, Krista sings the Commandia even though it endangers her own life.
フォロンとコーティカルテが訪れたのは、名高き天才技術者テラト・テルミン の研究所。彼と精霊クリスタの夢は、神曲楽士を必要としない完全自動で神曲を奏でる単身楽団の発明だった。