Suzuna thinks Kochino, her spirit, has left her and made contract with another Dantist. She goes to Tsuge Divine Music Player Office and asks the group to investigate. It turned out that Kochino made a contract with a Dantist a year before she made a contract with Suzuna. The former Dantist was in a band and when Kochino was there, they were popular, but the former Dantist was so involved in their popularity that his soul got warped and divine songs are a player's soul. So she broke the contract.
今回の依頼者はなんと同業者である神曲楽士のスズナ。 なんでも契約精霊のコチーノが、ロック歌手のヨキオに心変わりをしているのではないかと勘ぐり、相談しに来たのだ。 気を遣うフォロン達に対して、それが真実ならば原因はスズナ自身にあると冷然とした態度の精霊達の言葉。