At the Sea Mauville nature preserve, Goh is tackling his next Project Mew trial mission—survival in battle! With only Inteleon, he must battle other challengers until just one Trainer remains. Luckily for Goh, Horace appears, and the two of them team up. Many of the other challengers form teams, too, and one pair in particular threatens to end the boys’ winning streak. In the end, only Goh and Horace remain, but only one can win. Horace reluctantly battles and defeats Goh, winning three Project Mew tokens. Goh receives two, but he’s discouraged when he finds out the Chaser selection will happen soon—he has some catching up to do.
Na próxima missão do Projeto Mew, Goh precisa vencer em Mar Mauville para se classificar como um dos três Rastreadores escolhidos.
Goh fait face à sa prochaine mission de test Projet Mew et, avec seulement Intelleon à ses côtés, doit s’affirmer dans une bataille. Il fait équipe avec Hu et se bat ensemble contre les autres équipes.
Goh stellt sich seinem nächsten Projekt-Mew-Testauftrag und muss sich, nur mit Intelleon an seiner Seite, in einem Kampf behaupten. Er schließt sich mit Hu zusammen und kämpfen gemeinsam gegen die anderen Teams.
W ramach kolejnej misji próbnej Projektu Mew Goh musi przetrwać walkę w Morskim Mauville — inaczej nie zostanie jednym z trzech Tropicieli.
Na próxima missão de teste para o Projeto Mew, Goh tem de sobreviver a uma competição no Mar Mauville, ou não será escolhido para Coletor.