It’s time for Ash’s battle against Raihan—the winner gets to compete in the Masters Eight Tournament! As Leon watches, the three-on-three battle begins with Raihan’s Flygon versus Ash’s Dragonite. But Flygon overwhelms Dragonite, and Raihan is in the lead! Then, Ash chooses Gengar. Flygon attacks fiercely, but after recovering from an attack, Gengar Gigantamaxes! Flygon is taken down, and then Gengar and Raihan’s Goodra knock each other out! With one Pokémon left on each side, Raihan chooses Duraludon, while Ash chooses Lucario. Although Duraludon Gigantamaxes, it’s no match for Ash and Lucario’s new technique: G-Max Aura Sphere. Ash wins the battle, officially becoming a member of the Masters Eight!
Ash precisa sobreviver a uma batalha com um treinador popular para ficar entre os oito melhores. Mas na arena todos estão de olho no azarão que veio da região de Kanto.
Sasha arrive dans la région de Galar pour son match de promotion du tournoi de Couronnement Mondial contre Roy. Sasha remporte finalement la bataille et est promu à la Master Classe, rejoignant Iris, Alain, Dianthéa, Peter, Pierre Rochard, Cynthia et Tarak dans les 8 Maîtres.
Ash steht ein wichtiger Kampf gegen Roy bevor: Der Gewinner darf am Turnier der Acht Meister teilnehmen! Ash kann schließlich gewinnen und jetzt offiziell Mitglied der Acht Meister ist!
Ash musi wygrać bitwę wstępu z popularnym trenerem, aby dostać się do mistrzowskiej ósemki. Podczas starcia oczy wszystkich są skierowane na zawodnika z Kanto.
Ash tem um combate de admissão com vista a conquistar um lugar entre os oito melhores. Na arena, as atenções concentram-se no jovem de Kanto em suposta desvantagem.