Michiru bemerkt, dass Tsukasa sehr traurig ist, und erkundigt sich bei Isla über ihn. Isla gesteht Michiru, dass sie Tsukasas Gefühle verletzt hat und sich deshalb schuldig fühlt. Michiru tröstet daraufhin Tsukasa und erzählt ihm den wahren Grund, weshalb sie bei den Terminal Service No. 1. angefangen hat.
In the wake of being shot down by Isla at the carnival, Tsukasa has maintained a heartbroken, depressed attitude that is evident at the office. Seeing this, Michiru asks Isla about it, and she tells her that she was just confused when she shot Tsukasa down and now feels guilty about hurting his feelings. Michiru suggests having the two of them live apart for a few days so Isla could have time to sort out her own feelings, and she transfers Isla to Eru's room and Tsukasa to hers and Zack's. When Tsukasa recovers from his stupor, Michiru consoles him and tells him the reason why she joined Terminal Service No. 1. The next day, Michiru sets up a lunch between Tsukasa and Isla, during which they agree to allow Isla more time to consider her true feelings. Later on, Michiru questions the effectiveness of her treatment over the whole situation. After observing Tsukasa and Isla acting like average coworkers at the office, Michiru approaches Isla one day and asks her about her feelings for Tsukasa, and she responds after a lengthy explanation that she does return his feelings. However, she concludes from this that she must stay away from Tsukasa. When a shocked Michiru asks why, Isla confesses to her that she has approximately one month left in her lifespan. Angered by this, Michiru confronts Tsukasa about it and asks for his true intention for confessing to Isla when he knew about her lifespan beforehand; he replies that he only wishes to make memories for the both of them. When she lashes out at him for refusing to see what kind of pain will result from his decisions, he insists on keeping Isla as a partner. When he returns back to his dorm room, Tsukasa finds Kazuki already there. As Isla also arrives, Kazuki announces she intends to dissolve their partnership.
Durant le festival, Tsukasa a avoué ses sentiments à Isla et essuyé un refus. Tout les membres du service terminal l'apprennent et essaient d'arranger les choses des deux côtés.
アイラに告白し、あっさりフラれたツカサは燃え尽きて真っ白になっていた。 アイラはアイラで告白されたことでパニックに陥っていた。そんな二人が気になって仕方ないターミナルサービスの面々。 ミチルの提案で、ツカサとアイラの同居生活を一時解消して、アイラはミチルと一緒にエルの部屋に、ツカサはザックと同室に、と部屋割を変えることになったが・・・!
L'intero ufficio è sconvolto per il rifiuto di Isla alla dichiarazione di Tsukasa. Isla ammette di non essere sicura dei propri sentimenti, quindi Michiru le consiglia di passare un po' di tempo separata da Tsukasa...
Tras lo ocurrido en el festival, Tsukasa está destrozado y completamente desanimado, así que Michiru trata de ponerle remedio. No obstante, parece que no va a ser tan sencillo como ella creía porque hay cosas que desconocía.