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Season 1

  • S01E01 Energy - A changing universe in chemical reactions

    • May 11, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

  • S01E02 Matter - Transformations seen in crystallization

    • May 18, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    Exploring the way temperatures can change the shape of matter. A variety of salts are mixed into water, creating a supersaturated solution. First boiled, then poured over a glass plate where it begins to rapidly cool and evaporate. In this new and cooler environment, the solution begins to solidify, transforming into crystals. Using a variety of techniques such as slow-motion, macro cinematography, and timelapse photography shot over hours. Throughout weeks of experimenting, and teaming up with visual artist Emme Orbach who specialises in crystal work, we captured stunning vision and colours that visualize the formation of matter.

  • S01E03 Waves - Visualizing sound through cymatics and resonant frequencies

    • May 25, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    Uncovering the geometric nature of soundwaves. This is visualized by directing sound waves through water and salt. The water rests in an upright facing speaker, and the salt rests on a high frequency mechanical wave driver. When the devices are activated with specific frequencies, the water and salt particles vibrate in synchronization with the soundwaves, forming incredible geometric patterns.

  • S01E04 Light - The colours of the visible spectrum on the surface of a soap bubble

    • June 1, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    Light not only illuminates but gives colour and shape to things. Macro lenses and a powerful white light source is used to magnify the intricate details on an ever-shifting soap bubble surface. A large light suspended over the bubble works to provide the ability to look at the bubble’s structure. The bubble acts like a swirling prism, splitting the white light into all the colours of the rainbow.

  • S01E05 Electricty - An electric current flows through wood in real time

    • June 8, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    A look at electricity flowing through matter. A powerful electric current is connected through a piece of wood, which is made conductive with a salt solution. The resistance provided by the wood slows the current down, causing it to burn along the path of least resistance. The burning path visualises what’s known as Lichtenberg figures, which look like the natural flow of rivers, skeletons or the structure of trees.

  • S01E06 Magnetism - The magnetic field visualised in three dimensions

    • June 15, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    Exploring the attractive and repulsive ability of magnetism. A special metallic liquid called ‘ferrofluid’ becomes magnetic when inside a magnetic field. Using powerful electromagnets, the strength and direction of the magnetic fields are varied to manipulate the ferrofluid. It twists and distorts into the shape of the field, revealing the influence of magnetism in three dimensions. Specially filmed using a state of the art motion control and a high speed camera, the movement and patterns of the fluid look alien and otherworldly.

  • S01E07 Gravity - A simulation of solar systems and galaxy formations

    • June 22, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

  • S01E08 Magnitudes - Recurring patterns at extreme scales of our universe

    • June 29, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    Matter can take shape anywhere between simple and minuscule, to enormous and complex. Using state of the art technology surface patterns of matter are revealed beyond our perception, at orders of magnitude. Using an electron microscope, the microscopic world is captured with magnifications beyond 10,000 times, producing high resolution black and white images that reveal details beyond the reach of light. These images are then contrasted against the surface details of earth, captured by NASA from space. These two extremes are bridged together with natural imagery from the human perspective, creating an awe inspiring perspective of our planet.

  • S01E09 Evolution - The patterns of life seen in organisms from simple to complex

    • July 6, 2021
    • ABC (AU)

    The forces of nature combine, and simple lifeforms evolve into all the diversity of living things.

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Phenomena

    • May 19, 2021

    Art and science collide to take us on a psychedelic journey through the fabric of the universe, exploring the forces of nature that creates the universe as we know it.