Home / Series / Phenomena / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 8

Magnitudes - Recurring patterns at extreme scales of our universe

Matter can take shape anywhere between simple and minuscule, to enormous and complex. Using state of the art technology surface patterns of matter are revealed beyond our perception, at orders of magnitude. Using an electron microscope, the microscopic world is captured with magnifications beyond 10,000 times, producing high resolution black and white images that reveal details beyond the reach of light. These images are then contrasted against the surface details of earth, captured by NASA from space. These two extremes are bridged together with natural imagery from the human perspective, creating an awe inspiring perspective of our planet.

  • Originally Aired June 29, 2021
  • Runtime 6 minutes
  • Network ABC (AU)
  • Created June 30, 2021 by
  • Modified April 30, 2023 by