When Todd Dempsy finishes management training for his job at Mid America Novelties, he finds that his call center has been outsourced to Mumbai, India, and that in order to keep his job, he must relocate to India and manage the call center there. He is picked up from the corporate housing by Rajiv, his assistant manager, who is interested in replacing him, and meets the rest of his employees. He also meets two other call center managers: Charlie, who gives him advice over lunch, and later Tonya, who immediately shows an interest in him.
Al ritorno da un corso di formazione,il Manager Todd Dempsy trova l'ufficio vuoto e scopre che il Mid America call center si è trasferito in India. Per mantenere il suo lavoro, Todd dovrà quindi trasferirsi in India, dove trova un gruppo di dipendenti del posto. Conosce anche le altre persone straniere che lavorano nel suo palazzo per uffici, tra cui Charle Davies, che gestisce il call center All American Hunter un australiano che gestisce il call center per Koala Air.
Тодд Демпси возвращается после обучения в свою родную компанию - Mid America Novelties и узнает, что Колл-Центр, которым он будет руководить переведен на другой континент, и теперь, чтобы не потерять работу, ему предстоит отправиться в Индию. Там, ему предстоит встретить новых друзей и новых сотрудников.