Raquel has an audition for a play, and Del has volunteered to help her rehearse. Rodney and Cassandra meet for supper, each thinking that the other made the first move. Things seem to be going well before Rodney gets tangled up with Trudy. Del tells Albert and Rodney that he sees two people when he looks at Raquel. Either Raquel's pregnant or Del's drunk!
Raquel je dobila priliku da pokrene vlastitu glumačku karijeru s mrtve točke nakon što je dobila ulogu Rosalind u Shakespearovom komadu Kako vam drago, a Del je u potpunosti podržava i pomaže. U međuvremenu, Del, svjestan da Rodney nije razgovarao s njom otkako se vratila s odmora u Španjolskoj, odlazi posjetiti Cassandru i ujedno popraviti vrata na njenom i Rodneyjevom stanu...