Kozuki Oden's dreams to leave Wano lead him directly to Whitebeard after he learns of the pirate's arrival. After a brief battle, Oden begs Whitebeard to let him join his crew. Whitebeard denies his request due to concerns about Oden's character. Once their ship is repaired, the Whitebeard Pirates leave at night to avoid Oden's advances but he catches up anyway, attaching a chain to the ship and riding with Izo through the ocean. Marco saves Izo and brings him onto the Moby Dick where he is tied up. Whitebeard tells Oden that if he holds on for three days, he can join the crew.
Three days have passed and Oden only has an hour left before he can join the crew. However, after hearing the screams of Amatsuki Toki, Oden lets go of the chain to save her life.
흰수염 해적단의 배가 와노쿠니에서 좌초되자 그 소식을 들은 오뎅은 당장 그들을 찾아간다. 무작정 흰수염을 덮쳤다가 쓰러진 오뎅은 흰수염에게 배에 태워달라고 부탁한다. 하지만 흰수염은 오뎅의 부탁을 거절하고 배 수리를 끝내자 한밤중에 와노쿠니를 떠나는데…
Saputo dell'approdo dei pirati, Oden si precipitò da loro e ingaggiò un combattimento con Barbabianca, venendo sconfitto. Entusiasta della forza del suo avversario, Oden lo supplicò di prenderlo nella sua ciurma.
Barbe Blanche et son équipage débarquent à Wano à bord d’un navire endommagé. Oden rapplique, surexcité, et demande à Barbe Blanche de le prendre à bord de son bateau. Celui-ci refuse et quitte le pays en catimini dès les réparations achevées, mais à sa grande surprise, Oden avait prévu le coup et les suit à la trace.
Die Whitebeard-Piraten sind in Wano-Land angekommen. Als Oden davon mitbekommt, eilt er sofort zur Küste, um sie willkommen zu heißen. Es kommt zu einem stürmischen Kampf zwischen ihm und Whitebeard.
La llegada de Barbablanca y su tripulación es un rayo de esperanza para Oden, quien intentará por todos los medios que lo acojan en su tripulación para dejar Wano.
Brigas e ondas bravias não detêm a ambição de Oden! Ele sonha com um mundo desconhecido! E para alcançá-lo, ele enfrentará qualquer dificuldade! Será Oden capaz de ganhar o coração do Barba Branca e seus homens e partir com eles em uma aventura?!
رسى اللّحية البيضاء وطاقمه على أحد موانئ بلاد وانو بسفينتهم المحطّمة ووصلت أخبارهم إلى أودن الّذي يركض مسرعًا إلى الميناء ليطلب من اللّحية البيضاء السّماح له بالإبحار معهم لكنّ طلبه يُرفض. عندما انتهت إصلاحات السّفينة، حاول اللّحية البيضاء مغادرة البلاد خلسة، لكنّه يتفاجأ بأودن على أعقابه.