Operation „SOP“ droht zu scheitern, als sich der Elite-Offizier Trébol in den Kampf der Zwerge gegen Sugar einschaltet. Es kommt zu einer folgenschweren Explosion, doch der Wille des Zwergenanführers Leo ist ungebrochen. Er möchte die Operation um jeden Preis zu Ende führen, damit der Spielzeugsoldat De Flamingo herausfordern kann. Denn bei seiner Verwandlung in ein Spielzeug ist Sugar ein entscheidender Fehler unterlaufen. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
The destruction caused by Trebol was enough to bring the attempted attack on Sugar to a stop as the dwarves were rounded up and interrogated. The dwarves however were betrayed by their naivety and revealed Usoland to them, allowing Trebol to ignite the slime they were caught in. Leo survives and lands near Usopp and Robin who evaded capture. Leo weakly told Usopp that their plan must succeed for the sake of their captain.
At the Palace, Thunder Soldier was brutally kicked out of the lift by Lao G, and has a flashback of his fight with Rebecca over the false news of Doflamingo's resignation. At the Colosseum , Rebecca lies beaten by Diamante who taunts her over the death of her mother. Seeing this, Sabo told Bartolomeo to protect Rebecca. Thunder Soldier was later saved by his dwarf squad from Lao G, and the survivors told him that he must press on.
Usopp was skeptical that they would put all their faith on a simple toy soldier, but Leo reveals that Thunder Soldier was the first to be turned into a toy and not given a contract. It is why he leads the resistance and that his human identity was the legendary gladiator, Kyros.
La destruction de la Tour de Contrôle par Trebol a été suffisante pour stopper l'attaque des Nains contre Sugar. Au même moment, Luffy et Viola sont toujours poursuivis par Pica qui tente de les attraper en utilisant ses pouvoirs. Mais le Chapeau de Paille ne se laisse pas faire et se fraye un passage pour aller rejoindre l'antre de Doflamingo avec son alliée. De son côté, Zoro continue de cisailler le corps de pierre de Pica qui se régénère en un clin d'œil car il tire sa force des blocs de pierre du palais.
Mentre Zoro e Pica continuano a combattere, Rufy e Viola proseguono nella loro corsa verso Doflamingo; Diamante, intanto, contrattacca Rebecca e comincia a narrarle la morte di sua madre Scarlet. Robin e Usop, ripresisi dall'attacco di Trébol, si rendono conto che questi ha imprigionato tutti i nani nella sostanza che emette dal suo corpo.
Los Tontattas fracasan estrepitosamente en su intento por derrotar a Sugar y Trébol, y Ussop pretende ponerlos a salvo, pero ellos se niegan a abandonar la misión.
En el Coliseo continua la batalla por la Mera Mera no Mi y Rebecca cae ante Diamante.
Por otro lado, los Tontattas que están con el soldado de juguete consiguen salvarle de Lao G, y la identidad del capitán de los Tontattas es desvelada.
O Soldado segue em sua luta desesperada com Lao G para alcançar Doflamingo enquanto Usopp e os demais enfrentam Trébol e Sugar na Torre dos Executivos.
التونتاتّا محطمون بسبب هجوم تريبول العنيف، ولكن يحاول أوسوب إقناع ليو بإلغاء العمليّة، يطلعه ليو بهوية الجندي الدمية الحقيقيّة! وفي تلك الأثناء، بمساعدة مجموعة أخرى من التونتاتّا، يتمكن الجندي اللعبة من تفادي لاو جي أخيرًا ويتحرّك ثانيةً!