Nachdem im Corrida Kolosseum plötzlich eine Rauchbombe hochging, steht nur noch ein Gladiator auf den Beinen und der letzte Finalist für den Kampf um die Teufelsfrucht ist ermittelt. Cavendish, der maßgeblich an dem Vorgang beteiligt war, liegt schlafend am Boden. Die Zwergin Wicca führt derweil Zorro, Ruffy und Kinemon zum einem Aufzug außerhalb des Palastes, um so ins Innere einzudringen. Doch dann werden sie aufgehalten – von Prinzessin Viola. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
As the dust clears, the last fighter standing turns out to be Rebecca making her the winner much to the dissatisfaction of the announcer and the crowd. Speculations of Rebecca cheating were thrown throughout the crowd but Rebecca was the only one who saw what really happened.
During the fight, Rebecca saw Cavendish fall asleep in the middle of the battle. Before the other fighters would capitalize on their sleeping target, Cavendish promptly woke up with a sinister face that promised torment for his enemies. In that instant, Cavendish moved like the wind, cutting down every fighter in his way. Rebecca however saw this and barely manages to avoid a fatal strike from Cavendish, who then fell asleep again.
Outside, Vice Admiral Bastille finished explaining to an officer about what happened in the colosseum as this was the work of not Cavendish, but his alter ego Hakuba, a dangerous man who eluded the marines years ago for his dangerous technique.
At the Palace, Doflamingo is standing before King Riku who is chained up. Doflamingo gloated that Viola's hope of the Straw Hats defeating him and freeing Law is worthless, as he had full confidence that his men will prevent them from breaching his operations and believes that Luffy is still trapped in the colosseum.
At that moment, Robin and Usopp have successfully infiltrated the basement harbor, and Luffy's group ran into Viola who wants to help them in entering the palace.
Tandis que la poussière se dissipe, les spectateurs du Colisée Corrida constatent avec surprise que le dernier combattant à être encore debout est Rebecca qui remporte automatiquement la Bataille Royale du Bloc D au grand mécontentement de Gats et de la foule tout entière. Bientôt des rumeurs de tricherie se propagent à travers le Colisée mais Rebecca est la seule personne à savoir ce qui s'était réellement passé sur le ring.
Rebecca esce vincitrice dal Blocco D, unica ad avere evitato l'attacco di Cavallo Bianco, l'alter ego di Cavendish che si risveglia quando lo spadaccino si addormenta e che giace tale sul ring.
Rebecca es la única contendiente del Bloque D que permanece en pie tras finalizar repentinamente el "Battle Royale", debido a un misterioso ataque que proviene del pirata Cavendish. Fuera del coliseo, Franky sigue enfrentándose a Señor Pink, uno de los oficiales de Diamante a cargo de la entrada a la Casa de Juguetes.
Mientras, Luffy, Zoro y Kinemon se encuentran a Violet, las cual les ofrece su ayuda para entrar al castillo de Doflamingo.
O vencedor da Chave D do Torneio no Coliseu Corrida é revelado, e os Chapéus de Palha seguem para recuperar Law e derrubar Doflamingo!
تنجو ريبيكّا من مواجهة مع الشّخصيّة الأخرى لأحد المتنافسين، ويواصل فرانكي معركته مع رجل يرتدي ملابس مثل الأطفال، وتعرض فيوليت أن تُدخ للوفي إلى القصر سرًّا!