Im Kolosseum muss sich Rebecca dem Halsaufschneider Suleiman stellen, gegen den ihre Angriffe wirkungslos sind. Währenddessen versuchen Lysop, Robin und die Zwerge, sich in der Fabrik zum Kommandantenturm zu schleichen. Die Zwerge erweisen sich dabei als hervorragende und unerschrockene Verbündete. Auf dem Weg zum Palast muss der Spielzeugsoldat eine Gruppe Wachen bezwingen. Mutig stellt er sich dem Kampf, der vielleicht sein letzter sein könnte. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
The colosseum D block battle is almost over with nearly 30 fighters remaining with Rebecca among them.
At the Hidden Harbor, Usopp learned from the dwarves that Thunder Soldier left the group in order to assassinate Doflamingo at his palace, leaving Usopp in command of the army much to his disbelief. Though they were nearly caught by some soldiers the dwarves easily subdued them and their clothes were given to Usopp and Robin for disguise.
Near the Harbor elevator, many soldiers were rushing towards the elevator to see the battle between Franky and Senor Pink, unaware that Thunder Soldier and a few dwarves were hiding inside a crate in the lift. Seeing no other way, Thunder Soldier assaults the soldiers in order to hijack the lift. During battle, he recalls his training of Rebecca to teach her battle instinct. He then declares his goal to restore Dressrosa to King Riku's rule.
At the colosseum, an unexplained event caused every fighter in the arena to fall unconscious one after another. Before anyone could speculate what happened, an unidentified fighter is seen getting up in the arena.
Au Colisée Corrida, la Bataille Royale du Bloc D est sur le point de se terminer. Il ne reste plus sur le ring qu'une trentaine de combattants dont Rebecca. Cette dernière est sur le point d'affronter le terrible Suleyman, le Briseur de Nuques. Celui-ci l'attaque sans l'avertir et un terrible combat commence entre les deux guerriers. Autour d'eux, de nombreux combattants se battent comme Acilia ou Orlumbus qui vient de défaire un lion féroce rien qu'en utilisant son fouet.
Rebecca, disarmata da Suleiman, viene salvata da Achilia che si frappone per proteggerla. Nel frattempo, Usop, Robin e i nani si lanciano alla ricerca di Sugar mentre Zoro, Rufy e Kin'emon, guidati da Wicca, si dirigono al palazzo reale.
Usopp y Robin se infiltran junto a los tontattas en el puerto subterráneo de Dressrosa con la intención de llegar a la torre central donde se esconde Sugar. Mientras, en el Colisseum Corrida, Rebecca se enfrenta a Suleiman "el Decapitador", sin embargo, el Bloque D acaba inesperadamente.
A batalha da chave D chega ao clímax, e Luffy e os demais continuam em seus caminhos para suas missões!
يجذب زورو انتباهًا غير مرغوب فيه عن طريق إغضاب طفل، ويخاطر الجنديّ بحياته ليقود الهجوم على دوفلامينغو، وتكافح ريبيكّا من أجل النّجاة من معركة المجموعة د الوحشيّة!