Nachdem De Flamingo den schwer verletzten Law vor dem Platz des Corrida Museums für den Verantwortlichen seines vermeintlichen Rücktritts erklärt hat, stürzen sich Zorro und Kinemon auf ihn. Doch Admiral Fujitora stellt sich ihnen in den Weg und die Piraten müssen vor der Marine fliehen. Währenddessen steht die Thousand Sunny unter Beschuss: Die Strohhüte werden von Big Mom – der Kaiserin Charlotte Linlin – angegriffen. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Doflamingo lies to the shocked citizens that witnessed him shooting Law, telling them that Law was actually responsible for the morning's fake news about Doflamingo leaving the throne. When asked by Luffy what he is doing to Law, Doflamingo responds that Law was originally his subordinate and as such, it is his responsibility to "educate" him.
Zoro and Kin'emon attempt to save Law, but before the Marines make a move to stop them, Admiral Fujitora appears, blocking Zoro's sword and sends him underground, using his Devil Fruit ability. Luffy attempts to help, but is blocked by the Colosseum's bars, which are made of Seastone. The rest of the crew, who are listening to the events, are shocked to learn that Doflamingo has an admiral on his side. Fujitora and Doflamingo pick up Law and head for the palace, in order to finish their conversation. Zoro tells Luffy to find a way out, as they try to outrun the Marines.
At that point, Sanji's group is attacked by what appears to be a singing ship, which belongs to the Yonko Big Mom. On the ship are Tamago and Pekoms, who reveal that their goal is Caesar Clown.
The Straw Hat Pirates realize they have to keep their new enemies away from Dressrosa if they want to destroy the factory. Luffy gives the order for the Sunny to head to Zou, Sanji asks permission to return fire to the Yonko's ship and Franky leads the way for the factory destruction team. Finally, Luffy states in anger that they will head to the palace to save Law and defeat Doflamingo.
Meanwhile, a mysterious figure appears in the Colosseum.
Alors que les membres de l'Équipage du Chapeau de Paille, dispersés aux quatre coins du royaume, cherchent à savoir ce qui se passe, Doflamingo s'adresse aux citoyens de Dressrosa. Il leur présente ses excuses pour toute cette agitation et leur explique que Law est l'unique responsable de la fausse nouvelle concernant la résignation de ses privilèges, parue dans le journal du matin. Témoin de la scène, Luffy interpelle son adversaire et lui demande pourquoi il a tiré sur son ami. Le Grand Corsaire lui répond que cela ne le regarde pas et qu'il a n'a simplement fait qu'« éduquer » son subordonné.
Zoro e Kin'emon si lanciano contro Doflamingo, ma il primo viene fermato dall'intervento di Fujitora, mentre il samurai viene colpito dal re di Dressrosa. Questi cattura quindi Law e si dirige con l'ammiraglio al palazzo reale, mentre i due spadaccini vengono attaccati dalla Marina.
Doflamingo remata su combate contra Law delante de Luffy. Zoro y Kinemon intentan rescatar a Trafalgar pero Fujitora interviene y tras las primeras refriegas, el Demonio Celestial y el Almirante de La Marina abandonan el lugar con Law al borde la muerte. Mientras los marines intentan detener a Zoro y Kinemon, en el Thousand Sunny las cosas no van mejor: empiezan a ser perseguidos y atacados por el barco de uno de los Yonkou. Tras los acontecimientos, Luffy ordena a Sanji ir a Zou, la siguiente isla.
Doflamingo derrota Law diante dos olhos de Luffy, Zoro e Kin'emon, que partem para o confronto, quando são impedidos por Fujitora. Enquanto isso, no Sunny, Nami e os demais se veem frente a frente com um perigo ainda maior que Doflamingo!
يضع لوفي نصب عينيه مواجهة مع دوفلامينغو في محاولة يائسة لإنقاذ حياة لو. سانجي ونامي وتشوبر وبروك يتعرّضون للهجوم من قبل عدوّ مميت للغاية!