Auf der Brücke vor Green Bit kämpft Law weiter gegen De Flamingo. Sein Zustand verschlechtert sich zunehmend, doch er provoziert den Samurai weiter, vor allem mit seinem Vertrauen in die Strohhutbande. Wutentbrannt holt De Flamingo zu einem fatalen Angriff aus. Vor dem Kolosseum bereitet sich die Marine auf die Verlierer des Turniers vor, die allesamt inhaftiert werden sollen. Sie haben es besonders auf Ruffy abgesehen. Dieser trifft ganz in der Nähe auf Zorro und Kinemon. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
As Luffy talks with Zoro and Kinemon, Bellamy begins approaching Luffy, saying he finally found him. Bellamy is about to attack Luffy, but begins having second thoughts. Just then, Dellinger interrupts him, claiming he has orders from Doflamingo to dispose of him, since Bellamy is considered a nuisance.
At the iron bridge, Law and Doflamingo continue their fight, with the latter having the upper hand. Diamante calls to inform his captain about Violet's betrayal, which Doflamingo had already figured out. He orders Diamante to send Lao G at the entrance of the factory to prevent the Straw Hat Pirates from destroying it, and handle the crowd's entertainment by himself.
The Marines see through Zoro's disguise and suspect that Lucy is in fact Straw-Hat Luffy. However, they seem to have no memory of the fighters that have been turned into toys.
The Straw Hat Pirates have a meeting via Den Den Mushi and share their knowledge so far. Sanji and his team decide to head back to Dressrosa and Franky asks permission to assist the Riku army's revolution, to which Luffy urges him to go all out.
While Admiral Fujitora arrives at the shores of Dressrosa, there is a big ruckus in the city, with explosions and buildings being cut in half. Doflamingo has Law beaten on the ground, right outside the Colosseum. He, then, takes out a pistol and shoots Law three times.
Luffy retrouve avec joie Zoro et Kinemon. Le Chapeau de Paille ne se doute pas que Bellamy se trouve derrière lui, caché dans l'ombre. Cet homme, qui avait été soutenu par Luffy durant le tournoi, semble avoir des intentions malveillantes à son sujet. Armé d'un poignard, Bellamy est sur le point d'attaquer Luffy mais il change brutalement d'avis. Se maudissant lui-même d'avoir perdu l'occasion d'être admis dans la Famille Doflamingo, il est abordé par Dellinger qui se moque de son incompétence à exécuter un ordre direct de son supérieur.
Bellamy si avvicina a Rufy per ucciderlo, ma decide di non eseguire l'ordine impartitogli; viene raggiunto da Dellinger, un ufficiale di Doflamingo che lo attacca dicendogli di avere ricevuto l'ordine di ucciderlo in ogni caso.
Law utiliza todo lo que le queda de energía para enfrentarse a Doflamingo en un combate mortal. Mientras, Bellamy tiene un conflicto moral al intentar cumplir las ordenes del Demonio Celestial y matar a Luffy. Franky pone al día a Sombrero de Paja sobre los planes de ataque a Doflamingo de los Tontattas y éste da vía libre para ayudarles. Finalmente, el combate entre los dos Shichibukais termina en los alrededores del coliseo.
Law e Doflamingo se enfrentam, e os Chapéus de Palha pouco a pouco retomam sua formação para momentos decisivos de sua missão em Dressrosa.
تبدأ قوى لو بالاختفء ما يجعله هدفًا سهلاً لهجمات دوفلامينغو الشّرسة. في تلك الأثناء، يتوسّل فرانكي لوفي للسّماح له بالقتال إلى جانب الجنديّ والأقزام!