Auf Green Bit angekommen, untersuchen die Piraten die Insel. Bei einem Rundgang beobachten Lysop und Robin, wie eine Gruppe bewaffneter Marinesoldaten von einem scheinbar unsichtbaren Wesen entwaffnet, entkleidet und in die Flucht geschlagen wird. Währenddessen zeigt Violet Sanji endlich ihr wahres Gesicht. Sie steckt mit De Flamingos Handlangern unter einer Decke und will Sanji Informationen über das Vorhaben der Strohhutbande entlocken. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
Upon their arrival to Green Bit, the group discovers a Marine ship that crashed and believed that the Marines had landed on the island. With fourteen minutes left before the exchange, Robin and Usopp begin to scout the island as Law takes Caesar to the meeting point.
As they explore, Robin and Usopp discover a squad of Marines who are getting attacked by the forest's inhabitants, losing all of their belongings. As soon as the Marines fled, Robin uses her Devil Fruit power to capture the fast and seemingly invisible thieves. Usopp asks her what she has caught, and she tells him that she believes they are dwarves.
Meanwhile at Acacia, Zoro has captured his sword thief, a dwarf named Wicca, who berated herself for being caught. Because the fall sprained her ankle, she begged Zoro to take her to the flower field to deliver a report that the Donquixote family is planning to attack the Straw Hats ship. Zoro had no choice but to take her with him due to his horrible sense of direction.
With Violet revealing her true self, Sanji was seen beaten and bloodied before Violet who was actually an assassin sent to interrogate him about Law's plan. Her Devil Fruit power allows her to look into Sanji's mind for the truth, only to recoil from seeing Sanji's perverted mind. Sanji, who was barely conscious, told her that he never doubted her tears, leaving her genuinely shocked, brought to tears by his honesty.
Usopp est effrayé en découvrant que Green Bit est en fait une immense jungle où poussent des plantes gigantesques. Il aperçoit soudain un navire qui s'est échoué sur l'île et qui a fini sa course dans la végétation. Robin, quant à elle, remarque que certains arbres ont été tranchés tout récemment.
Robin, Usop, Caesar e Law notano una nave della Marina arenata su Green Bit: il membro della Flotta dei 7 ordina, quindi, ai due pirati di esplorare la foresta e fornire copertura durante lo scambio. I due si imbattono, così, in un gruppo di marine che viene messo in fuga da piccole e velocissime creature.
Sanji ha sido traicionado por Violet, que en realidad trabaja para la familia Don Quixote. En Green Bit, Usopp y Robin entran en la jungla para investigar y asegurar la zona antes de la entrega de Caesar que debe realizar Law al sur de la isla, y descubren a un grupo de Marines que les buscan.
Por otro lado, Zoro atrapa al hada que le robó la espada y descubre que Doflamingo ha enviado hombres a atacar el Sunny, donde se encuentran Brook, Nami, Chopper y Momonosuke.
就在山治对维奥莱特的真实身份震惊不已的时候, 乌索普与罗宾和罗兵分两路,开始对格林比特进行深度探索。在巨大植物丛生之不可思议的森林中前进的乌索普与罗宾两人,正一步步逼近德雷斯罗萨妖精传说禁忌的秘密,另一方面,一心为实现维奥莱特要求的山治却反而被维奥莱特给铐了起来,原来这一切竟是维奥莱特的谎言…
Zoro e Wicka seguem para o Campo de Flores, enquanto Sanji, derrubado por Violet, se recusa a acreditar na maldade da bela mulher. Em Green Bit, Usopp, Robin e Law podem estar com a Marinha em seu encalço.
اقترب دور لوفي للقتال في الكولوسيوم الملحمي، يصادف زورو جنيّة قويّة بشكل لا يصدّق، وتفاجئ أفكار سانجي آسرته!