Von ursprünglich 138 Gladiatoren sind nur noch 24 im Kampf um die Teufelsfrucht auf den Beinen. Erst jetzt wird Bellamy auf Bartolomeo aufmerksam und die beiden liefern sich einen Schlagabtausch. Den suchen auch Blue Gilly und König Elizabello. Letzterer hat nicht nur ein Ass, sondern eine berühmt berüchtigte Faust im Ärmel, deren King Punch beinahe jeden Gegner zu Fall bringt. Franky findet währenddessen einen neuen Verbündeten, um De Flamingos Fabrik zu zerstören. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
With Hack defeated and the remaining fighters reduced to 24, the battle royale is nearly over. Bellamy faces off Bartolomeo while at the same time Blue Gilly defeats Ricky. The bribed fighters protecting Elizabello II guard themselves from Blue Gilly's assault but were back-stabbed by Dagama who revealed that Blue Gilly was his partner, but Dagama secretly plans to betray Blue Gilly. However, the long legged martial artist never trusted the tactical schemer and quickly knocks him out of the ring.
Bellamy is currently struggling against Bartolomeo while at the same time, Elizabello II is cornered but is fully prepared to unleash his devastating punch. The audience heard of the fighting king's reputation and proceeds to get out of the way of his punch. When Blue Gilly moves in for the kill, the king delivers the punch at point blank, creating a destructive shock wave throughout the ring. When the smoke cleared, Elizabello II and Bartolomeo were the only ones standing with the latter revealing his Devil fruit and the former being defeated by that power. Bartolomeo is now the champion of the Block B battle royale.
Meanwhile, Franky is informed by Thunder Soldier that he too is part of an operation to destroy the SMILE factory but needs the cyborg's help in rescuing the workers held prisoner there. The toy soldier then prepares to tell Franky the history of Dressrosa.
Hack a été vaincu par Bartolomeo sous les yeux de Luffy et il ne reste plus à présent que 24 participants encore en lice. La Bataille Royale du Bloc B touche bientôt à sa fin. Bellamy fait face à Bartolomeo tandis qu'au même moment Blue Gilly défait Ricky. Les combattants corrompus qui protègent le roi Elizabello II sont attaqués par Blue Gilly par derrière, puis sont poignardés par Dagama qui révèle alors sa coopération avec le Longue-Jambes depuis le départ.
Hack viene definitivamente sconfitto da Bartolomeo mentre Blue Gilly sconfigge il gladiatore Ricky; il membro della tribù Gambe-Lunghe comincia poi a eliminare gli uomini assoldati da Dagama, in accordo con quest'ultimo, per poi eliminare proprio il tattico del Regno di Prodence.
La "battle royale" del Bloque B se acerca a su final. Traiciones y duros combates se desencadenan sobre el suelo del Corrida Colosseum entre los combatientes más fuertes. Pero al final, solo uno queda en pie.
A batalha da chave B se encaminha para uma conclusão. Bellamy, Bartolomeo, Blue Gilly e Elizabello II são os principais concorrentes, e o rei de Prodence está com seu Soco do Rei já engatilhado e pronto para ser disparado.
يعد صديق فرانكي الجديد أن يكشف أسرار دريسروزا، ويستعدّ منافس ملكيّ لتنفيذ لكمة قويّة قد تدكّر الكولوسيوم بأكمله!