Die Offiziere der neuen Fischmenschen-Piraten und Hody sind besiegt, doch die Noah kommt immer näher auf die Fischmenscheninsel zu. Ruffy versucht nun mit seiner Gum-Gum-Elephant Gatling, das Schiff zu zerstören, was ihm auch teilweise gelingt. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
All of the New Fishman Pirates lie down defeated while the Straw Hat Pirates are relaxing and waiting for Luffy. All the citizens of Fishman Island are cheering for him to destroy Noah and thus saving them. While some citizens evacuate the island, some recall how Whitebeard also saved the island at a point in the past and how Luffy reminds them of him. Luffy keeps attacking Noah intent on destroying it while Neptune laments being unable to keep the promise with Joy Boy stating there is no choice but to destroy it. As Luffy continues to destroy the Noah, Shirahoshi jumps in front of him telling him to stop which he eventually does. He realizes that Noah has been brought to a halt by Sea Kings. However, he suddenly faints, falling back down to the Noah. The Sea Kings acknowledge the strength of Luffy's will. After everyone understands that Noah has been stopped, they start celebrating.
Mentre sull'isola, con la sconfitta degli ufficiali di Hody e la fuga degli altri pirati, la battaglia è ormai vinta, Rufy continua a colpire, con l'Elephant Gatling, l'arca per distruggerla.
La banda pirata de Hody ha sido completamente derrotada. En la isla Gyojin la batalla ha terminado y los Sombrero de Paja se han hecho con la victoria. Pero a pesar de que Luffy también ha derrotado a Hody, el arca Noah sigue cayendo y la isla corre peligro de ser aplastada. Sin importarle sus heridas, Luffy pone todo su empeño en destruir la colosal arca antes de que esta impacte con la isla.
Noé cai em direção à Ilha dos Homens-Peixe, herdando do ódio de Hody. Quando a colossal embarcação, prestes a atingir o chão, deixa todos desesperançosos, Luffy, sozinho, chega ao limite de suas forças e se coloca no caminho da arca!
بعد هزيمة هودي، يحوّل لوفي انتباهه إلى منع السّفينة نوح من سحق جزيرة البرمائيّين. يشاهد طاقم قبّعة القشّ والبرمائيّون على حدّ السّواء لوفي وهو يحاول تدمير السّفينة بوابل من الضّربات الوحشيّة!