Sanji lässt sich auf einen Kampf mit Ivankov ein, um an das Rezept für ein geheimnisvolles Gericht zu kommen. Durch Zufall entdeckt Franky Vegapunks geheimes Labor und ist überrascht, was er alles dort vorfindet… (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
On Weatheria, Nami is cornered by the scientists again. However, the navigator apologizes and takes off her shoes before luring the scientists to the edge of a cliff, allowing Nami to stay on the island. Nami requests Haredas to teach her the weather of the New World, as she wants to help Luffy on his journey to become King of the Pirates. The navigator also requests that she will use the Weather Balls as weapons. Meanwhile, on Kurakiri Island, the Marines investigate the lab's destruction. Franky learns about Vegapunk's inventions and uses a tiger mat as a cover for his head. Franky tells his friends about his dream and decides to help his captain by acquiring new skills learned from Dr. Vegapunk's inventions. When his mat is burned, the shipwright scares off the Marines. On Kamabakka Kingdom, Sanji learns from Ivankov that eating helps his body to become aggressive. Despite Ivankov's refusal to teach the dish of aggression, Sanji declines his offer to use Newkama Kempo, as he is a man who likes ladies. Ivankov offers the cook to hand out the recipes to the 99 Grand Master chefs on the island, which Sanji finally accepts and fights the Newkamas.
Les compagnons de Luffy reçoivent son message. Nami, à Climatéria, et Franky, à Baldimore, commencent à se programmer. Et Sanji, dans le royaume des travestis, donne tout dans une bataille épique pour apprendre un secret transmis de génération en génération dans le royaume !
A Weatheria, Nami si lascia raggiungere dagli scienziati e li inganna convincendoli a farla rimanere sull'isola per studiare la scienza meteorologica. A casa di Haredas, Nami gli racconta del suo capitano e pensa a come applicare la meteorologia per essere utile a Rufy. Nel frattempo, sull'isola Karakuri, mentre i marine indagano sulla distruzione del laboratorio, Franky ne trova un secondo, nascosto nelle montagne, dove decide di stabilirsi per studiare i progetti lasciati dal dr. Vegapunk. Intanto, a Kamabakka, Sanji apprende che, attraverso il cibo, si potrà fortificare, ma Ivankov non vuole rivelargli i segreti della cucina locale a meno che egli non intraprenda la via dei newkama, cosa che il ragazzo si rifiuta categoricamente di fare. In alternativa, gli viene proposto di affrontare i 99 grandi maestri cuochi dell'isola per avere le ricette e Sanji, motivato dal voler aiutare Rufy, accetta ed inizia a battersi con i newkama.
Nami toma la decisión de quedarse en Weatheria y le pide a Haredas que le enseñe todo lo que sabe sobre climatología.
Franky, por su parte, tiene el cuerpo destrozado por la explosión del laboratorio y encuentra un lugar en el que aprender de los conocimientos de Vegapunk.
Sanji acepta el reto de Ivankov y se enfrentará a los maestros del Okama Kenpo para hacerse más fuerte.
Os companheiros de Luffy recebem sua mensagem. Nami, em Climatéria, e Franky, em Baldimore, começam a se programar. E Sanji, no Reino das Travestis, dá tudo de si em uma batalha épica para aprender um segredo passado de geração em geração no reinado!
تستعمل نامي أنوثتها لتكتشف عالم الطّقس الجديد، ويجد فرانكي مختبر الدكتور فيغابانك، بينما على سانجي القتال ليبقى بعيدًا عن ارتداء فستان ظريف!