Chopper wird von einem Menschen-Stamm gefangengenommen. Er wagt einen Fluchtversuch, aber wird von riesigen Vögeln zurückgehalten. (Text: ProSieben MAXX)
On Kuraigana Island, Zoro confronts and nearly defeated by several Humandrills, but is stopped by Mihawk. On Birdie Kingdom, Chopper is captured by a human tribe and attempts to escape, but is stopped by the giant birds. Eventually, the tribe befriends the birds and Chopper before he receives the newspaper about Ace's fate. On Weatheria, Nami is working hard labor when she also receives the newspaper. On the Bowin Island, Usopp has become overweight despite Heracles' objections and knocks down a News Coo with a newspaper. On Kamabakka Kingdom, Sanji has become a crossdresser and watches the sunset; he receives the newspaper and becomes horrified about Ace's death. On Tequila Wolf, Robin decides to see her friends. Meanwhile, on Baldimore, Franky remembers that he defeated a mechanical polar bear after finding a stash of cola, before a fax machine prints out a newspaper about Ace's death. At Hungaria, Brook is writing music for the Longarm Tribe when he loses his concentration and discovers Ace's death. Back on Kuraigana Island, Zoro tells Mihawk that Kuma teleported him, and Mihawk informs Zoro of Ace's death.
Retour sur chaque membre de l'équipage du chapeau de paille, on y revoit les quelques mésaventures qu'ils ont connues jusqu'ici. Chacun reçoit les mauvaises nouvelles de Marineford et apprend la mort de Ace.
Zoro e Perona, a Kuraigana, scoprono che ad attaccarli sono stati degli strani babbuini che usano le armi come fossero esseri umani. Lo spadaccino non riesce a tenere loro testa a causa delle ferite riportate a Thriller Bark ed alle isole Sabaody, ma, all'improvviso, appare Drakul Mihawk. Chopper, nel Regno degli uccelli, riesce a non farsi mangiare dalla tribù che lo aveva catturato ed a far stabilire la pace fra uomini ed uccelli. Usop, nell'arcipelago Boeing, è diventato enormemente grasso. A Kamabakka, Sanji sembra essersi convertito alla vita da okama. A Tequila Wolf, Robin viene soccorsa dall'armata rivoluzionaria. A Weatheria, Nami sta apprendendo i segreti della scienza del clima. Franky, nel Regno di Barjimoa, ha sconfitto l'orso meccanico a guardia del laboratorio di Vegapunk e trovato della cola. Brook è ancora in compagnia degli abitanti di Namakura. Tutti i membri della ciurma apprendono che Ace è morto.
Zoro se enfrenta a los Babuinos pero sus heridas se vuelven a abrir y no le permiten luchar bien, pero cuando todo parecía perdido aparece Mihawk que asusta a los animales armados solo con su presencia y se dirige hacía Zoro. Lejos de allí, Chopper logra que las aves gigantes y los humanos dejen de enfrentarse tras entender los motivos de su enfrentamiento. Es entonces cuando las noticias de lo sucedido en Marineford empiezan a llegar a cada uno de los compañeros de Luffy.
Luffy sente saudades de seus companheiros... Ao mesmo tempo, do outro lado do mar, esses companheiros dos quais se separou continuam suas próprias jornadas para regressar ao Arquipélago Sabaody. Enquanto isso, as notícias da Guerra dos Maiorais chegam aos companheiros separados!
لوفي يشتاق لأصدقائه، في نفس الوقت، في مكان بعيد في البحر، الأصدقاء الّذين فُرّق عنهم ما زالوا يقاتلون معاركهم الخاصّة ليعودوا إلى أرخبيل شابوندي.