Franky muss sich noch immer mit Eule rumschlagen, der sich als zäher Gegner erweist und allerhand Tricks auf Lager hat. Zorro und Sogeking sind noch auf der Flucht vor Ecki und Jabura, aber es gelingt Sogeking, die Beiden gegeneinander aufzuhetzen. Weil Zorro und Sogeking mit Handschellen aneinander gefesselt sind, muss Sogeking als Zorros lebendes Schwert herhalten.
Refreshed after having placed three full bottles of cola in his stomach compartment, Franky turns the tide in his battle with Fukurou. After breaking through a few walls, they continue fighting outside. They fall into the sea and by the force of the currents are drawn towards the waterfall surrounding Enies Lobby's main island. Franky barely saves himself from falling down by grabbing onto Fukurou's leg with his extendable arm. Unable to shake off his opponent, Fukurou is forced to use his air-walking technique to drag both of them towards land. As they close in on the Tower of Justice, he attempts to crush Franky into it. However, Franky is prepared, and holds onto his opponent with his dividable legs and uses his air pressure cannon to propel him flying into the ground.
Pendant que le combat de Franky se dirige vers l'océan, Usopp et Sanji tentent de se débarrasser de leurs menottes en se montrant plus malins que leurs adversaires.
Zoro deve combattere usando Sogeking come spada perché è ammanettato a lui. Franky riesce a sconfiggere Fukuro dopo essere riuscito a ottenere la cola.
Zoro se ve obligado a luchar contra Jabura y Kaku utilizando a Sogeking como si fuera una espada. Mientras tanto, Chopper ayuda a Franky a conseguir cola de una nevera y tras recargarse, se enfrenta de nuevo a Fukurou derrotándolo.
Zoro tem que lutar com Sogeking preso em sua mão direita segurando uma katana contra Kaku e Jabra. Franky derrota Fukuro.
بينما يمتدّ شجار فرانكي إلى المحيط، يحاول أوسوبّ وسانجي التخلّص من قيودهما بالاحتيال على خصومهما!