Hiyori and her parents go to a ski resort where she unexpectedly meets Yato and Yukine. They meet Kofuku, Daikoku, Tenjin, his company, Kazuma and Bishamon. A mysterious man appears talking of sacrifices and attacks Yato, displaying him on a bloody cult wall and he freaks since he hasn't died. The man tries using poison which Yato purges by drinking from a vase. Infuriated, the man attacks him when with arrows, a gun, fire and cold which just has him assumed as a pervert. Yato tries to figure out who's killing him and successively accuses Kazuma, Bishamon, Tenjin, and many others while simultaneously revealing all his crimes against them. After accusing Hiyori, they spot the man kidnapping Yato and he is thrown off a cliff into water. Yato of course, survives and the man reveals that he was doing this as research for his mystery novels since his weren't realistic. After Yato tells him to fight with his pen, reveals that he's a god, the man becomes his believer to everyone's disbelief.
Hiyori et ses parents se rendent à une station de ski où elle croise de manière inattendue Yato et Yukine. Ils y retrouvent Kofuku, Daikoku, Tenjin, Kazuma et Bishamon également. Ce repos est toutefois compromis quand Yato se fait attaquer par un mystérieux inconnu tentant de le tuer.
Hiyori e i suoi genitori vanno in una località sciistica, dove incontra Yato e Yukine.
15 том манги адаптирован и издан на DVD 17 ноября 2015. Он рассказывает историю «По стопам двух стереотипных часов» (ориг. Nijikan no Teikei ni So Koto) из первого тома манги «Норагами: Экстра», которая является спин-оффом основной истории.
Hiyori y sus padres van a un centro de esquí donde inesperadamente se encuentra con Yato y Yukine.
Por supuesto, allí también están Kofuku, Daikoku, Tenjin, su compañía, Kazuma y Bishamon, lo que garantiza el entretenimiento (aunque no el buen ambiente entre los asistentes).
Todo se tuerce cuando un miesterioso hombre, trata de asesinar a Yato.