Yato wird sterben, es sei denn, Yukine wird für seine Vergehen bestraft. Dazu muss man aber drei Gotteswerkzeuge sammeln, um sein Geständnis zu hören.
Daikoku and Kofuku only allow Hiyori to come through the borderline so she can cleanse her blight, stating that Yato will die unless Yukine receives punishment by ablution. Although Daikoku manages to enlist the help of Mayu, he struggles to find a third Regalia to help perform the ablution. Rejecting the thought of calling on Nora, as she might kill Yukine, Hiyori goes to Bishamon's shrine to request Kazuma's help. As the three Regalias get together, they discover Yukine's back is covered with phantoms and begin their ablution, in which Yukine must endure pain until he confesses to his sins, or otherwise transform into a phantom himself. Yukine admits his crimes and expresses his jealousy of the living and his envy of what they have. As Yukine's condition worsens, Hiyori and Yato calls out to him, reminding him that they are his friends, and the name Yato gave him is that of a person's. Hearing this, Yukine apologises for all the bad things he had done, allowing the ablution to be successfully carried out. With both Yato and Yukine back to normal, they both feel thankful towards Hiyori for saving their lives. Meanwhile, Nora has awakened a spirit named Rabo, who has a grudge against Yato.
Pour sauver Yato, Yukine doit endurer un rituel de punition et de purification qui nécessite la participation de trois shinki. Seulement, ce procédé est dangereux pour les officiants et malgré la participation volontaire de Mayu, Daikoku a du mal à trouver un troisième shinki volontaire.
Yato morirà se Yukine non sarà punito per il reato commesso, ma la procedura richiede la convocazione di tre Strumenti Divini per ascoltare la confessione.
유키네의 악행으로 심하게 타락해버린 야토는 죽음의 문턱에 서게 된다. 이에 다이코쿠는 신기 정화의식, 계제를 하기 위해 신사를 돌며 협력을 요청하는데... 그러나 워낙 위험한 의식인데다 야토가 유명한 신도 아니기 때문에 나서는 자가 없었다.
Хиёри приносит Ято к Кофуку и ищет двух синки для обряда очищения Юкинэ.
Kofuku y Daikoku sólo permiten Hiyori para entrar por lo que puede ser limpiado de deterioro. La única manera de salvar Yato ahora es por Yukine recibir el castigo a través de una ablución , requiriendo tres Regalia. Daikoku alista Mayu , que anteriormente fue de Yato Regalia Tomone; Hiyori recluta Kazuma. Los tres Yukine fuerza para soportar el dolor hasta que se arrepienta y confiesa sus pecados.
Com Yato à beira da morte, Hiyori e seus amigos decidem realizar um ritual de purificação perigoso que requer ajuda externa. Mas quem arriscaria a vida por esse deus desconhecido?
Yato irá morrer a não ser que Yukine seja castigado pela sua infração, mas a técnica envolve reunir três regalias para ouvirem a sua confissão.