When Anne goes away to visit her mom, Nicky, Ricky, and Dicky start to miss her. This takes shape in the form of falling in love with Mae who has the skills of a mother with them. Nicky is the first one to fall in love with Mae when he asks Dawn for advice on feelings he has for a girl. She suggests that he writes her a poem, but when she figures out it's Mae, she tries to sabotage Nicky multiple times, during which she tries asking Tom for advice, but ends up doing all the talking and giving advice to herself. Dicky is the second one to fall in love with Mae when Mae bandages a cut on his finger. Dawn again asks her father for advice, but does all the talking again. Dawn also continuously tries to sabotage him. Ricky is the third one to fall in love with Mae when Dawn tries to get him to help the others fall out of love with Mae. Later, when all the boys come to talk to Mae and begin arguing, Dawn discovers that they aren't in love with Mae, but they have just been missing Anne, and also tells them the truth about how she's been trying to sabotage their attempts at getting together with Mae.
Ihre Mom ist übers Wochenende verreist, und Dawn steckt mitten in einer verzwickten Lage, als jeder der Jungs ihr verrät, heimlich in Mae verknallt zu sein. Sich da einzumischen, ist ganz schön knifflig.
When Anne goes away to visit her mom, Nicky, Ricky, and Dicky start to miss her. This takes shape in the form of falling in love with Mae who has the skills of a mother with them.
Dawn è a dir poco allarmata quando scopre che Nicky, Ricky e Dicky potrebbero avere tutti una cotta per Mae.
Con su madre ausente durante el fin de semana, Dawn se encuentra en medio de un cuadrilátero secreto cuando cada uno de los chicos revela que han empezado a mirar a Mae bajo una luz diferente, y debe resolver un enrevesado juego.