The children are tired of having a babysitter and want to stay home alone while Anne and Tom go out for date night. Dawn suggests that Ricky be the captain, but it turns out to be trap as she only said that to get Anne and Tom out of the house. However, when Dawn lets Squishy out into the backyard through the doggy door, things go wrong when Squishy digs out and escapes. The children manage to track him down to El Pepper Pot, but unfortunately this is where their parents are having their date night. They put on sombreros to avoid being seen, but Dawn is almost caught when Tom mistakes her for their waiter. Ricky lures Squishy out with his favorite treat, nacho balls, but Ricky drops the bag and Squishy takes off for home. When the children arrive home, they discover that all doors are locked and Squishy is having a dog party in the kitchen, so they try going in through the doggy door, but they all try at the same time and get stuck. A big dog then comes up to the children and shakes slobber all over them. Meanwhile, Tom is having major stomachaches from eating too much food due to worrying about the children, so he and Anne leave the restaurant and head for home. Back at the house, Dicky gets the bright idea for him and the other children to dance their way out of the doggy door, which works a little from the dog slobber. However, it's not enough, but Dicky has bad breath and belches to lure the dog over and lick everybody. However, when the children manage to get back into the kitchen, they discover that the living room is also a mess and must clean up the house before their parents arrive. The children manage to clean up the house, but are caught when Tom finds a small dog in the cabinet when trying to get some tea for his stomach.
Matschpfote rennt davon, als die Vierlinge allein zu Hause sind und das ewige Streitthema wieder aufkeimt: Wer darf bestimmen? Die Vier müssen zusammenhalten, um Matschpfote zu finden, bevor ihre Eltern zurückkehren.
The children are tired of having a babysitter and want to stay home alone while Anne and Tom go out for date night.
Tom e Anne decidono di lasciare i gemelli senza babysitter, ma ben presto il cane scappa e il caos regna sovrano.
Patitas se escapa cuando los Cuatrillizos están solos en casa discutiendo sobre quién debería estar a su cargo. Deben trabajar juntos para encontrar a Patitas antes de que sus padres lleguen a casa.