الملح ليس فقط تلك المادة التى نضعها على الطعام فتعطيه طعما، هو تاريخ بشري كامل، من أجل الملح قامت الحروب، ولأجله قامت انتفاضات وثورات، الملح استخدم كسلاح على مدار التاريخ، لولا الملح لتغير كثير من واقعنا اليوم وشكل حياتنا، وصحتنا أيضا، فلولا الملح ربما فنت البشرية منذ قديم الأزل.
Salt is not just the substance that we put on food that gives it taste. It is an entire human history. Because of salt, wars have arisen, and uprisings and revolutions have arisen for it. Salt has been used as a weapon throughout history. If it were not for salt, much of our reality today, the shape of our lives, and our health would have changed as well. If it were not for salt, Perhaps humanity has been fascinated since time immemorial.