Madara beschließt mit einer mächtigen Technik gegen die Kage zu kämpfen und setzt damit giftige Pollen frei. Oonoki erinnert sich an seinen ersten Kampf gegen Madara.
The intense battle between Madara and the five Kage continues as Ōnoki attacks Madara with a gigantic rock golem. However, Madara counters with his Wood Style: Deep Forest Bloom, shattering the golem into pieces. Tsunade remembers the jutsu being her grandfather's and as the jutsu released its pollen, she instructs the Kage not to inhale. Gaara suspends the Kage and Ōnoki levitates A. Kabuto muses on how people thought no other shinobi is as powerful as Hashirama Senju, just like how people consider the powers of the Sage of the Six Paths a myth. Elsewhere, the Hokage Guard Platoon along with Dodai and Sagan continue to pursue Mū. While the Kage are distracted, Madara unleashes his Susanoo, causing them to fall through the trees. Madara proceeds to set the forest ablaze and not long after, the five Kage became unconscious. Ōnoki, continuously losing his consciousness, remembers of his talk with the First Tsuchikage about the strong will of the Iwa shinobi. Refusing to give up, Ōnoki destroys the forest created by Madara with his Particle Style and as a result, the Kage regained their consciousness. As Madara's body is reforming from Ōnoki's attack, to the Kage's horror, the face formed from the DNA of Hashirama Senju appeared on Madara's chest. Meanwhile, Itachi continues his search for Kabuto, as Sasuke Uchiha detects the latter. Sasuke follows him but his brother refused to talk to him. With no choice, Sasuke attempts to catch Itachi with his Susanoo, only for Itachi to counter with his own. The two begin to have a conversation. Meanwhile at the battlefield, Madara decides to take out Tsunade first after realising she was a Senju and also deemed her a weak woman, pathetic compared to the likes of her grandfather. Tsunade stated that she inherited something more than power from her grandfather the Will of Fire, something that Madara should not take so lightly.
Les Cinq Kage sont dépassés par les attaques dévastatrices du vrai Madara Uchiwa. Mais le Tsuchikage Onoki puise dans ses souvenirs pour se relever !
הקרב בין 5 הקאגה למאדארה נמשך, מתגלה גופו של מאדארה והסוד שהוא מכיל. סאסקה נתקל באיטאצ'י שחזר באדו-טנסיי.
I cinque Kage combattono contro Madara, il quale, sfoderando sia le tecniche degli Uchiha che quelle del Primo Hokage, li mette in enorme difficoltà.
Os Cinco Kages estão sendo massacrados pelos ataques devastadores do verdadeiro Madara Uchiha. Quando está prestes a desistir dessa difícil luta, Ōnoki se lembra das sábias palavras do antigo Tsuchikage.
Los cinco Kages continúan su lucha contra Madara donde este usa el Mokuton: Kajukai Kourin de repente unas flores se abren y esparcen polen el cual Tsunade advierte que no deben aspirarlo, pero Madara usa el Susanō donde los golpea y caen inconscientes, Ōnoki se remonta a su juventud donde el primer Tsuchikage le habla acerca de su gran voluntad la cual cambiaría al mundo y debería cuidarla para no perderle, y su encuentro con Madara en el pasado. Cuando éste despierta lleno de energía usa el Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no jutsu donde revela que en el pecho de Madara esta el rostro de Hashirama a lo que deducen que esa es la razón por la que puede usar el Mokuton. En otro lugar Sasuke finalmente se encuentra con su hermano Itachi donde este sigue de largo pero Sasuke lo sigue donde le habla acerca que ya sabe todo acerca de él y su objetivo es destruir Konoha, a lo que Itachi deduce que su hermano no está siguiendo su voluntad y siguió otro camino, mientras que Madara le dice a Tsunade que será la primera en morir por ser descendiente de Hashirama de la cual está decepcionado pues no se compara con él, a lo que Tsunade le dice que no subestime la voluntad del fuego.
Os Cinco Kages estão sendo massacrados pelos ataques devastadores do verdadeiro Madara Uchiha. Quando está prestes a desistir dessa difícil luta, Ōnoki se lembra das sábias palavras do antigo Tsuchikage.