All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 The Bermuda Triangle

    • January 11, 2021
    • History

    The Bermuda Triangle – to this day, countless myths and legends surround the infamous waters between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Florida. For centuries, many ships and aircraft have disappeared there. What is behind these mysterious events? Pilot Bruce Gernon has first-hand experience with the myth. Flying his plane, he gets caught in a mysterious fog. The compass starts malfunctioning, making navigation impossible. U.S. freighter “U.S.S Cyclops”, which disappeared without a trace in 1918, also made headlines. Its wreckage was never found. What happened to it? The Bermuda Triangle is known for its extreme weather. In a wave tunnel, researchers test the impact of monster waves. They can reach up to 30 meters in height. High enough to capsize a ship like the U.S.S. Cyclops?

  • S01E02 The Search for Attila’s Tomb

    • January 11, 2021
    • History

    Attila, King of the Huns – the entire continent of Europe trembled in fear of this legendary leader. His life: victorious. His death: a legend. No one knows where he is buried. But there are some new clues. Researchers surmise the tomb of the legendary king is located in the Hungarian lowlands. Legends point us to his final resting place. Scientists and amateur researchers alike search for hidden clues – even under water. Accompanied by underwater archaeologist Attila Tóth, we set out on a journey to the depths of the Danube. Legend has it that Attila is buried under a river. Rock star Levente Szörényi, on the other hand, is convinced that Attila’s grave lies in an old quarry. Spectacular experiments with weapons reveal how the Huns became a legend 1,500 years ago. Since then, his name has become shrouded in legend.

  • S01E03 The Holy Grail

    • January 11, 2021
    • History

    It promises power, wealth, even eternal life: The Holy Grail. The chalice of the Last Supper, in which Jesus’ blood is said to have been collected, is one of the most important relics of Christianity. The National Socialists were already looking for him – in vain. Is the Holy Grail real or is there something else behind the myth? The historian and knight of the grail Dr. Michael Hesemann now claims to have found the true Holy Grail: The Santo Caliz in the Cathedral of Valencia. Together we go with Dr. Hesemann on the way of the chalice to the Spanish Pyrenees. Can the authenticity of the Grail be proven? Or does the trail lead to England, to King Arthur and his knights of the grail?

  • S01E04 Searching for Mothman

    • January 11, 2021
    • History

    The Mothman – A creature as sinister as the devil himself. A black creature, two meters tall, with glowing red eyes and gigantic wings. This mysterious creature has been haunting the small American town of Point Pleasant since the 1960s. In 1966 and 1967 alone, over 100 people claim to have seen the Mothman. They still remember their encounter with horror and believe that the mysterious figure is a herald of disasters. The collapse of the Silver Bridge in 1967 with 46 fatalities would seem to confirm these fears. Could this winged creature actually be a messenger of doom, perhaps even a demon from another realm? Cryptozoologists and scientists are trying to solve the mystery. The increasing number of newspaper reports about the Mothman may have also fuelled the legend.

  • S01E05 The Treasure of the Nibelung

    • January 11, 2021
    • History

    The Nibelungs - To this day, Germany's greatest legend still has modern treasure hunters under its spell. With the help of ancient scripts and divining rods, they set out in search of Siegfried's legendary golden treasure. The magical treasure, which is said to have been sunk in the Rhine, includes gold and silver, in addition to a cloak of invisibility. What's the story behind the myth? Scientists are trying to uncover the myth’s origins. The trail leads to Scandinavia where an archaeologist is looking for one of the saga’s oldest traces. A blacksmith tries to reforge Siegfried's sword using an ancient technique and conducts an experiment with the weapon. The discovery of bones provides an explanation for the dragon. Historians and linguists give insight into who the Nibelungs were and what the treasure might have looked like.

Season 2

  • S02E01 The Curse of the Pharaoh

    • December 13, 2021
    • History

    Tutankhamun's burial chamber in the Valley of the Kings. It is one of the largest archaeological discoveries to date. Some even believe that the discovery of the tomb prompted a mysterious series of deaths – Is the tomb cursed? When Howard Carter's research team discovered Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922, they became heroes - and ultimately paid a high price for their fame. 17 people associated with the expedition die from mysterious causes over a ten-year period. Many believe there is only one explanation for this: the curse of the Pharaoh, placed upon all those who dare to disturb the resting place of the great king. In fact, old clay tablets provide proof that spells were commonplace in ancient Egypt. It is said that a curse was also placed on Tutankhamun's tomb to protect his legendary riches contained therein.

  • S02E02 Atlantis

    • December 14, 2021
    • History

    Atlantis - a sunken civilization at the dawn of time. Greek philosopher Plato's descriptions from almost 2,500 years ago depict a utopia. A vast island empire with fascinating architecture and impressive military power. One night, however, the fabled empire is said to have perished in the wake of a devastating catastrophe. Scientists around the world are searching for traces of the sunken city. If it really did exist, there must be vestiges of this civilization just waiting to be discovered.

  • S02E03 The Flood

    • December 15, 2021
    • History

    A gigantic flood inundates the world and destroys all life on earth. Only Noah and the creatures on his ark will be saved from total extermination - so the Bible says. The Flood is the greatest catastrophe that has ever been described and at the same time one of the greatest mysteries of mankind. Did the flood really exist? And what caused it? Researchers around the world are looking for evidence of the biggest flood of all time. They want to solve the riddle in ancient scripts and with the help of the most modern technology. How devastating was the flood? In which region of the world did it take place? And what is really behind the “myth of the flood”?

  • S02E04 Ghosts and Spectres

    • December 16, 2021
    • History

    Ghosts and spectres - Mysterious creatures from the afterlife. Since the dawn of time, people have believed in life after death, ancestors coming back to visit us, and unfortunate souls lingering between two worlds. But is it actually possible to come back to Earth as an ethereal spirit? Researchers from all over the world are attempting to add some tangibility to this seemingly incomprehensible notion. Are encounters between humans and supernatural creatures real, or are our senses just playing tricks on us? Even today, new stories of revenants or other ghostly apparitions continue to surface in forgotten places, from the haunted castle in Schallaburg, Austria, to the former tuberculosis sanatoriums near Germany’s capital Berlin, or the abandoned Waldlust Hotel in Southern Germany.

  • S02E05 Werewolves

    • December 17, 2021
    • History

    Scientists continue to investigate both a centuries-old killing spree and modern-day sightings. Court records and sketches from the 18th century depict an unbelievable case. A creature that slays like an animal, but acts like a human. Could it be a werewolf? Why were some of the bodies found without any clothes? Why were some decapitated? A biotechnologist is testing whether the severity of the attacks could in any way be indicative of who - or what - carried them out. In Lemgo, historian Dr. Utz Anhalt is investigating a case involving a convicted werewolf. Meanwhile, cryptozoologist Ken Gerhard is looking into an alleged encounter with a werewolf in the US. Vivid reports detailing the sightings give historical insight into the origins of this terrifying beast.

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Myth – The Seven Greatest Riddles

    • December 31, 2021

Season 3

  • S03E01 El Dorado

    The legend of El Dorado began when Spanish conquistadors set off in search of the place where all their dreams of immeasurable wealth would come true, hidden deep in the jungles of South America. To this day, no one has found it. Yet, adventurers and scientists continue searching for the origins of the legend. And in order to solve the mystery, they follow up on historical sources and use state-of-the-art technology to try to uncover new unexplored paths. French explorer Thierry Jamin thinks the city is in present-day Peru, while archaeologist José Pérez-Gómez searches in Venezuela and Juan Pablo Quintero has his eyes set on Colombia. But regardless of where the search leads, the quest for El Dorado's gold is a journey through the uncharted and most inaccessible regions of the world.

  • S03E02 Cleopatra

    Cleopatra is the embodiment of beauty, luxury and dangerous femininity, and is arguably the most famous woman in history. She was a legend even in ancient times. For over than 2000 years, countless stories have circulated about the Egyptian ruler. But which ones are true? Will the latest archaeological discoveries give insight into the real life story of Egypt’s final queen? Her life is portrayed as a Hollywood blockbuster. But what did her life actually look like? Kathleen Martinez is determined to find Cleopatra's tomb. She hopes to reveal the truth about who the queen really was. For years, she has been conducting numerous excavations all around what used to be ancient Alexandria. Scientists have long believed that the queen's tomb lies at the bottom of a harbour. But Kathleen Martinez is following a different trail.

  • S03E03 Witches

    Age-old stories and archaeological discoveries reveal magical practices and tell tales of both alluring and terrifying women with special powers. In early modern times, people believed they were working for the devil, bringing about crop failures and illnesses. Women suspected of witchcraft were often burned at the stake. Yet this belief in sorcery endures to this day, attracting an ever-increasing number of young female followers. So, what is behind the myth?

  • S03E04 The Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great

    Alexander the Great is the most famous commander of all time. His grave was lost some 1,000 years ago. Researchers around the world have been looking for it ever since. Whoever discovers it will go down in history. Within a span of just three years, Alexander the Great conquered the largest empire in the ancient world. He initiated the age of Hellenism, which still reverberates today. There are many legends surrounding him, but the greatest mystery of all is the whereabouts of his final resting place. However, some people think they know where it is. Andrew Chugg is relentless in his search for the conqueror's grave. The British author collects artifacts and writes books about Alexander the Great. His search for the tomb of the famous commander takes him across the former world empire and beyond - through Egypt and Greece to Venice - to the dawn of Christianity.

  • S03E05 The lost Pyramid of Giza

    The Three Pyramids of Giza, world-famous archaeological marvels. However, it is said there was a fourth pyramid, which was even more impressive. The tomb of the pharaoh Djedefre. So what is the story behind this mysterious pharaoh and his eternal tomb? And why has his pyramid disappeared? Egyptologist Chris Naunton sets out to find the enigmatic structure and unravel the mystery of the pharaoh who built it. Djedefre is an Ancient Egyptian king belonging to the Fourth Dynasty. He is a son and heir to the throne of Cheops. Cheops built the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. There is no fourth pyramid on the plateau of Giza. But not far away, around 10 km to the north in Abu Rawash, archaeologists discover a pyramid frustum.

  • S03E06 The lost Tribes of Israel

    According to biblical tradition, there were 12 tribes of Israel. The traces belonging to ten of them, however, had already disappeared by the early days of Israeli civilization. But it seems impossible that such a large number of people left no traces behind. Are the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel still living today?

  • S03E07 Bigfoot and Yeti

    Hidden from the eyes of humankind, mythical creatures are said to live deep in the forests of Central America and high up in the mountains of the Himalayas. They go by the names Bigfoot and Yeti. Throughout history, scientists and explorers have been fascinated by these unknown creatures, which have been the source of inspiration for many films and stories. Amateur researchers like Matt Pruitt and Michael Mayes often roam the forests in the United States for days on end in search of Bigfoot. But even scientists like Jeff Meldrum, Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology at Idaho State University, believe they can prove that creatures like the Yeti really exist. Meldrum thinks they might belong to a species that is already thought to be extinct, the Gigantopithecus, a genus of giant apes. But could this really be true?

  • S03E08 Zombies

    For nearly 100 years, these bloodthirsty, walking dead creatures have been giving horror buffs the chills. And since the early 2000s, zombies have received even more attention, be it in movies or on “zombie walks”, as they're called. But the origins of the myth reach far back into the past and lead to distant lands.

  • S03E09 Megalithic Monuments

    Stonehenge - one of England's most famous monuments. Here, massive slabs of stone rest on ashlars up to 8m high for thousands of years. Thousands of visitors come here year after year to see them for themselves. But the stone giants weighing several tonnes are by no means the only structures of their kind. From stone rows and circles to dolmens, megalithic tombs and menhirs, these mysterious megaliths can be found all across Europe. They have long been considered the work of giants, the devil or aliens. Nowadays, researchers know these massive stone monuments were built by Neolithic people over 4,000 years ago. However, they left no written sources behind - how and why these structures were built remains a mystery to this day. Now, researchers are close to uncovering the secret behind them.

  • S03E10 Dragons

    Dragons are both fascinating, mysterious creatures. Legends about them stretch from East Asia to Central America. Today, researchers are delving into the origins of the myth. Dragons have been an integral part of culture and history for centuries. Sometimes as fire-breathing monsters, other times as healing spirits. But what is the truth behind the legends? Are dragons based on real-life creatures? Did they really exist, and do they still walk among us today? As early as the ancient times, fossil bones were considered as proof of the existence of dragons. To this day, dragon bones are regarded as a miracle cure in traditional Chinese medicine. Applied as an ointment, in drops or consumed as tea, they are said to bring strength and heal ailments. In Eastern Asian culture, dragons are a symbol for good luck, peace and a long life.