
Dragons are both fascinating, mysterious creatures. Legends about them stretch from East Asia to Central America. Today, researchers are delving into the origins of the myth. Dragons have been an integral part of culture and history for centuries. Sometimes as fire-breathing monsters, other times as healing spirits. But what is the truth behind the legends? Are dragons based on real-life creatures? Did they really exist, and do they still walk among us today? As early as the ancient times, fossil bones were considered as proof of the existence of dragons. To this day, dragon bones are regarded as a miracle cure in traditional Chinese medicine. Applied as an ointment, in drops or consumed as tea, they are said to bring strength and heal ailments. In Eastern Asian culture, dragons are a symbol for good luck, peace and a long life.

  • Production Company ZDF Enterprises
  • Created September 22, 2023 by
  • Modified February 14, 2024 by