All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Legend of the Ancient Scroll (1)

    • September 12, 1998
    • FOX

    The discovery of an ancient scroll leads a druids apprentice named Rohan on a quest to save the Kingdom of Kells from the advancing evil of Queen Maeve of Temra. Joining him is his mischievous friend, Angus. They are soon enough joined by a prince from a foreign land named Ivar and Princess Deirdre of Kells on the way to Tir Na Nog.

  • S01E02 Tir Na Nog (2)

    • September 16, 1998
    • FOX

    Rohan, Angus, Ivar and Deirdre arrive in Tir Na Nog, where they meet King Fin Varra of the little people. Fin Varra tests them of their worthiness of mystic weapons that will ensure peace to Kells.

  • S01E03 The Fire Dragon of Dare

    • September 17, 1998
    • FOX

    Rohan battles the Ice Lord of Temra to claim his armor and become the Mystic Knight of Fire. Meanwhile, the others encounter the Dragon of Dare.

  • S01E04 Tash Hound of Temra

    • September 18, 1998
    • FOX

    Deirdre battles the Lightning Bat of Temra to gain her armor as the Mystic Knight of Air. Meanwhile, Maeve lures Rohan into a trap where he faces the evil Tash Hound.

  • S01E05 Ivar and the Sea Serpent

    • September 19, 1998
    • FOX

    Ivar seeks to claim his mystic armor, but is torn between his quest to find his kingdom's stolen chalice and his pledge to aid Rohan and defend Kells.

  • S01E06 The Wolf in the Rocks

    • September 23, 1998
    • FOX

    Angus must battle the most ferocious of the Evil Sentinels, the Rock Wolf, to take claim to his mystic armor. But Maeve's soldiers kidnap Angus and imprison him in the castle dungeon.

  • S01E07 The Taming of Pyre (1)

    • September 24, 1998
    • FOX

    The Mystic Knights attempt to tame Pyre, but are stopped by the four Sentinels, now under Maeve's control.

  • S01E08 The Taming of Pyre (2)

    • September 25, 1998
    • FOX

    The Mystic Knights must battle the Sentinels and tame Pyre without their mystic weapons and armor.

  • S01E09 Draganta

    • September 26, 1998
    • FOX

    The identity of Draganta is shockingly revealed to be Rohan, which causes divisions between the rest of the Mystic Knights. As Rohan doubts this revelation, Maeve casts a spell on the others to turn them against Rohan and each other.

  • S01E10 War of the Little People

    • September 30, 1998
    • FOX

    Mider demands Maeve help him defeat Fin Varra in order to become ruler of Tir Na Nog.

  • S01E11 Dragon's Fury

    • October 1, 1998
    • FOX

    Maeve's sorcery turns Pyre against the Mystic Knights and Kells. The Knights must find a way to regain control over Pyre before King Conchobar's men destroy him.

  • S01E12 Tyrune

    • October 2, 1998
    • FOX

    Maeve tricks Rohan into reading a scroll that releases the dreaded three-headed dragon, Tyrune.

  • S01E13 Tyrune Returns

    • October 3, 1998
    • FOX

    The other Knights must restore Rohan's lost confidence and find a way to break the chains on Pyre in order to defeat Tyrune.

  • S01E14 Aideen and the Stone Princess

    • October 6, 1998
    • FOX

    Maeve uses Aideen's jealously of Deirdre to turn her into stone.

  • S01E15 Battle of the Druids

    • October 9, 1998
    • FOX

    Cathbad's powerful druid mentor comes to Kells with evil intentions.

  • S01E16 Queen Deirdre

    • October 17, 1998
    • FOX

    A mysterious gift leaves King Conchobar sick and bed ridden, which leaves Deirdre in charge of Kells. But her inexperience as queen leads to a disastrous decision for the kingdom.

  • S01E17 Night of the Spirits

    • October 31, 1998
    • FOX

    As preperations are made for a yearly festival, Angus claims evil spirits tried to carry him off into the otherworld. No one else believes him until spirits actually come to the castle. But are these the otherworld spirits or just a sinister plot?

  • S01E18 Aideen's Choice

    • November 5, 1998
    • FOX

    Aideen desires to become human and ends up going to Maeve, who only asks for a lock of Deirdre's hair in return. While Aideen is indeed turned into a human, her agreement with Maeve causes Deirdre to be captured.

  • S01E19 Divide & Conquer

    • November 6, 1998
    • FOX

  • S01E20 Eye of the Beholder

    • November 7, 1998
    • FOX

  • S01E21 Garrett and the Princess

    • November 11, 1998
    • FOX

    Prince Garrett of Reged arrives in Kells to seal a new alliance between the two kingdoms: a royal wedding between him and Deirdre. However, Garrett's over-confident attitude earns him only disdain from the four Mystic Knights.

  • S01E22 Traitor of Kells

    • November 12, 1998
    • FOX

    Maeve casts a spell over Garrett and uses him to lead Temra forces against Kells.

  • S01E23 The Fifth Knight

    • November 13, 1998
    • FOX

    The Mystic Knights have to retrieve their weapons and break the spell over Garrett, who Cathbad believes will become the Mystic Knight of Forest.

  • S01E24 The Mystic Knight of Forest

    • November 14, 1998
    • FOX

    Rohan and Angus take Garrett to Tir Na Nog where is to be tested of his worthiness as the other Knights were. Once acquiring the powerful Twin Timber Axes, Garrett must claim his armor by journeying into the dangerous Banshee Woods.

  • S01E25 Egg of the Dragon

    • November 17, 1998
    • FOX

  • S01E26 The Drageen

    • November 19, 1998
    • FOX

  • S01E27 A King's Ransom

    • November 20, 1998
    • FOX

  • S01E28 The Curse of Kells

    • January 30, 1999
    • FOX

    Cathbad tells Ivar about how a young Rohan and Angus inadvertently brought a curse upon Kells ten years ago, incapacitating the castle's soldiers on the eve of a battle with Temra.

  • S01E29 The Trial of Angus

    • February 4, 1999
    • FOX

    Angus is arrested on charges of stealing and burning down huts. Even though the evidence mounts against him, Angus says he is innocent. While Ivar tries to track down the real thief, Fin Varra allows one of the little people of Tir Na Nog to help Angus at the trial.

  • S01E30 Mider - King of Temra

    • February 5, 1999
    • FOX

    Mider tricks Cathbad into making him human size and then siezes control of Temra. Faced with an even more powerful threat, the Mystic Knights will have to join forces with Maeve to defeat Mider.

  • S01E31 The Buckler of Bre

    • February 6, 1999
    • FOX

    Torc manages to sneak into Tir Na Nog and steals a powerful weapon known as the Buckler of Bre to battle the Mystic Knights.

  • S01E32 Ivar's Revenge

    • February 8, 1999
    • FOX

    Ivar sneaks into Maeve's castle and finally reclaims his kingdom's Silver Chalice. But his victory is short lived when it's revealed what dark purpose Maeve used the Chalice for and King Conchobar orders it locked away.

  • S01E33 King's Bride

    • February 9, 1999
    • FOX

    Rohan, Angus and Ivar rescue Lady Fionna from a Temra attack and take her to the castle. After a short time, King Conchobar falls in love and plans to marry her. Only Deirdre is suspicious of what is happening.

  • S01E34 All Kings Great and Small

    • February 10, 1999
    • FOX

    King Conchobar and Fin Varra will have to rule each other's kingdoms for one day or else both lands will fall under black magic.

  • S01E35 The Wish

    • February 11, 1999
    • FOX

    After rescuing a wood elf, Angus is given a wish. While Angus thinks about what to wish for, the other Mystic Knights, Cathbad and Maeve try to get him to use the wish for what they want.

  • S01E36 The Lost King

    • February 12, 1999
    • FOX

    During a Tir Na Nog celebration, Fin Varra mysteriously disappears without a trace. With Fin Varra missing, magic is thrown out of balance and the Mystic Knights' weapons and armor are disabled. It turns out Maeve has kidnapped him and plans to steal his powers.

  • S01E37 Friends for Life

    • February 13, 1999
    • FOX

    Rohan and Angus get into repeated arguments with each other, putting their friendship in question. But when Rohan is captured in battle by Tyrune, it will be up to Angus to rescue him.

  • S01E38 The Prisoner Prince

    • February 20, 1999
    • FOX

    Rohan and Ivar rescue a young prince named Gann from Temra soldiers. It turns out an old treaty was supposed to give both Gann and Maeve control of Temra. Unaware Maeve broke the agreement, Gann plans to go to her and give her Rohan's sword.

  • S01E39 Shipwrecked

    • February 24, 1999
    • FOX

    An amensia stricken princess named Lynette appears on the shores of Kells, only to be pursued by a powerful and rampaging creature. The Mystic Knights promise to protect her from the creature, but their weapons seem unable to defeat it.

  • S01E40 Rohan's Doubt

    • February 26, 1999
    • FOX

    Mider uses a potion to strip Rohan of his courage and makes him fearful of combat.

  • S01E41 The Barrow of Balin

    • March 2, 1999
    • FOX

    Cathbad receives a warning about Rohan and great danger from the ghost of Balin, Kells' greatest warrior. It turns out Maeve is attempting to summon the warrior and succeeds, gaining control over him. She sends him to capture Cathbad so Mider can drain the druid's powers. To rescue Cathbad, Rohan will have to journey into the dangerous Barrow of Balin and face the legendary warrior alone.

  • S01E42 Dark Rider

    • April 23, 1999
    • FOX

  • S01E43 The Warrior of Temra

    • April 26, 1999
    • FOX

    After suffering numerous losses, Maeve travels to the castle of her former teacher, Nemain, to unleash a powerful half human/half demon warrior named Lugad. The new warrior of Temra quickly earns victories for Maeve and Cathbad fears that not even the Mystic Knights will be able to defeat him.

  • S01E44 Battle Fury

    • April 27, 1999
    • FOX

    Cathbad recalls a mention in the ancient scrolls of the multiples of powers, which could help defeat Lugad. Fin Varra explains further, telling Rohan his armor's power can be increased at a forge in the Mountains of Gloom. There, Rohan meets Goibniu and must complete two tests to gain the power of Battle Fury. Meanwhile, the other Mystic Knights do what they can to keep Lugad and the Temra army from reaching the castle.

  • S01E45 Lugad's Challenge

    • April 28, 1999
    • FOX

  • S01E46 The Mark of Destiny

    • April 29, 1999
    • FOX

  • S01E47 The Queen Mother

    • April 30, 1999
    • FOX

  • S01E48 Knight in the Forest

    • May 5, 1999
    • FOX

  • S01E49 The Final Battle

    • May 6, 1999
    • FOX

  • S01E50 Banished

    • May 7, 1999
    • FOX