Als Michael erfährt, dass Janet ihrer Tochter Claire erlaubt hat, mit einem gewissen Tony auszugehen, ist ihm das gar nicht recht. Wohlwissend, was in den Köpfen junger Männer so vorgeht, fordert er, dass sich Claires Verehrer persönlich bei ihm vorstellt und um ein Date bittet. Als Tony diesem Wunsch tatsächlich nachkommt und bei Michael wegen des Rendezvous' anfragt, willigt der Familienvater nur unter der Bedingung ein, die beiden zu ihrem Date begleiten zu dürfen ...
Claire wants to go on her first date with Tony, but Michael is reluctant to let her. So he decides he and Jay should also go with them to the movies so they can check on Tony. He proves to be a perfect gentleman despite Michael's innumerous attempts to unmask him as a horny teenager. Such a gentleman that he even refuses to kiss Claire. Michael, who was so worried about his little girl, is shocked to see Claire kissing Tony. But now they know they can trust the boy. Meanwhile, Jr.'s at home babysitting for Kady and decides to take advantage of her. He has her play waitress for him and trades her dimes for his pennies, only to find out later she spit on his soda and traded him a penny worth 200 dollars.
Claire a rendez-vous au cinéma avec Tony. Méfiant, Michael décide d'accompagner les deux tourtereaux. Placé sous haute surveillance, le jeune prétendant refuse d'embrasser sa dulcinée...
Claire chiede di uscire per il suo primo appuntamento con Tony. Michael dice sì, ma a una condizione: saranno presenti anche lui e Jay. E Claire ci resta male.
Michael admite que Tony é um garoto bom e religioso, depois de sair num encontro duplo com ele, Claire e Jay.
Michael deixa Claire sair com Tony.