Janet möchte mit ihrer Familie nach Boston fahren, um den Kindern die Geschichte ihres Landes näher zu bringen und den Geburtsort von Paul Revere aufzusuchen, der im Jahre 1773 an der Boston Tea Party beteiligt gewesen sein soll. Leider macht der Ausflug dem Rest der Famile Kyle nicht ganz so viel Spaß wie der Mutter: Michael ist stinksauer, weil er sich ständig verfährt, und Clarie verflucht den Trip nach Boston, weil sie viel lieber auf Ericas Geburtstagsfeier gegangen wäre ...
Jay organizes a historic trip to Paul Revere's house for the entire family to learn more about American history. She even packs colonial food (which Michael hates) to give it an extra touch. Michael, unlike Jay, isn't so excited about spending a long time with Jay and Claire in a car. The reason? They're both on that time of the month, which spells trouble! The trip is full of problems, including being pulled over twice, Michael being lost and refusing to use the navigational system, Jay's neurosis about her weight, Jr. terrorizing Kady, Claire's whining and Kady playing with the voice alternator she got in her chicken from the chicken place clerk. The family survives, but when they finally get to Paul Revere's house, it's closed.
Jay organise une excursion pour visiter la maison de Paul Revere, personnage emblématique de la révolution américaine. Mais le voyage «historique» tourne court...
Janet organizza una gita culturale per la famiglia; durante il viaggio, scoppiano liti e battibecchi che mettono a dura prova la pazienza dei gitanti.
Jay planeja uma viagem de carro até Boston com sua família, para que eles possam aprender mais sobre a história dos EUA. Mas durante a viagem, a família acaba se desentendendo: Michael fica perdido na estrada, Jay fica neurótica com seu peso, Junior aterroriza Kady e Claire só fica se lamentando por não poder estar com as amigas.
Uma viagem de família testa a paciência de todos.