Familie Kyle ist zu der Hochzeit von Michaels Cousin eingeladen. Da Pauls Sippe den Ruf hat, immer zu spät zu sein, setzt der Familienvater alles daran, dass er und seine Liebsten einmal pünktlich sind. Natürlich geht ausgerechnet dann so gut wie alles schief: Während die Damen des Hauses nicht wissen, was sie anziehen sollen, klagt Junior über großen Hunger. Als auch noch Janet die Wegbeschreibung vergisst und Michael die Autoschlüssel verlegt, ist das Chaos perfekt ...
Smizmarr oder der Tee des Lebens
Michael is on a mission — to get his notoriously late family dressed and ready to go to a wedding in 15 minutes, but everybody has some sort of problem that keeps them from getting fully ready. First it's Jay, who insists on having Michael's opinion on her outfit (so she can pick the exact opposite) and has a problem with his clapping. Then there's and Claire, who picked a not-so-formal dress. On top of that there's Kady, who decided to eat chocolate pudding and ruined her clothes. When they are finally ready to go, Kady has a bathroom urge, and the entire family goes back to the house. Finally, Jr. has a heart-to-heart talk with his dad about his mean jokes to him and they leave, missing a phone call from Michael's aunt saying the wedding is cancelled.
A l'occasion d'un mariage, Michael veut mettre fin à la mauvaise réputation de la famille, toujours en retard pour les grands événements...
I Kyle sono invitati a un matrimonio. Ma 15 minuti prima della cerimonia nessuno, Michael escluso, è pronto. Un disastro a cui se ne aggiungeranno altri.
Michael tem uma nova missão: fazer com que sua família, que vive atrasada, se arrume em 15 minutos para um casamento. Mas as coisas serão mais complicadas do que ele imaginava.
Michael quer a família pronta para um casamento em quinze minutos.