Takeo und Yamato senden sich gegenseitig Nachrichten. So erfreut Takeo darüber ist, so schade findet er es, dass sie eigentlich auf seinen Freund Suna steht …
Takeo tries to figure out the mystery behind Suna, who rarely shows interest in girls despite being popular with them. As the two meet up with Yamato again, Takeo, convinced Suna is the one she likes, tells her about all the times he has helped him out. Later, after the pair exchange contact details with Yamato, a large construction girder comes crashing down towards Yamato, forcing Takeo to step in to protect her. Despite being urged by Takeo to get to safety, Suna and Yamato stay behind to help hold up the girder until help arrives. Afterwards, Yamato asks to meet up with Takeo without Suna, though Takeo assumes she is seeking love advice.
Takeo s’attache de plus en plus à Rinko, laquelle est de toute évidence amoureuse de Suna. Takeo va faire de son mieux pour leur permettre d’être ensemble.
Após o primeiro encontro, o Takeo leva o Suna para comer os bolinhos confeitados pela Yamato mais uma vez.
Resignado al ver cómo Suna capta la atención de toda chica que se le cruza en frente, Takeo hace una movida distinta. En esta ocasión intentará descubrir por qué Suna se comporta indiferente ante las chicas y tratará de coordinar un acercamiento entre él y Yamato.
Takeo e Yamato si sono scambiati l'indirizzo e-mail. Il cuore di Takeo perde un battito ogni volta che Yamato gli manda un messaggio vivace e colorato, ma il ragazzo è convinto che a lei piaccia Suna. Promette quindi a se stesso di aiutare Yamato a realizzare il suo sogno d'amore.
يتواصل تاكيو وياماتو عبر الرسائل النصية. يخفق قلب تاكيو بشدة كلما توصل برسالة من ياماتو، لكنه يعتقد أنها معجبة بسونا، لذا أقسم على أن يحقق حلمها.