Nachdem Darby begeistert von ihrem Museumsbesuch berichtet hat, ist Tigger Feuer und Flamme. Er will auch ein Museum bauen! Prompt macht er sich auf die Suche nach dem allerseltensten Ding im Hundertmorgenwald.
Tigger's Day at the You-See-Um: When Darby arrives in the Hundred Acre Wood buzzing about a trip to the museum, Tigger decides that it would be a fun idea to start a "you-see-um" in the Hundred Acre Wood. Rabbit, however, is unimpressed by his collection of sticks and rocks, telling him that a museum should contain special things. Tigger calls together the Super Sleuths, hoping that they can find a woozle egg. The group sets out on an adventure and discovers many interesting things along the way.
Når Dina kommer og snakker om en tur til et museum, bestemmer Tigergutt seg for at det hadde vært moro å starte et "du-se-um" i Hundremeterskogen. Sprett er imidlertid ikke noe imponert over samlingen hans av pinner og steiner, og sier at et museum skal inneholde spesielle ting. Tigergutt tilkaller supersnuserne for hjelp til å finne sjeldne gjenstander.