Ein Stinktier ist in den Hundertmorgenwald gezogen. Doch es braucht die Hilfe der Superschnüffler, denn es kann nicht stinken!
Skunk's Non-Scents: Embarrassed that he doesn't have a smelly stench like his parents or siblings, Skunk calls on the help of the Super Sleuths. They reluctantly agree to help him, understanding how much having a stench means to a skunk. They find various smelly things to attach to Skunk, but being to realize that they're approaching the problem the wrong way.
Flau over at han ikke stinker som sine foreldre eller søsken, tilkaller stinkdyret supersnuserne. De går med på å hjelpe ham, under tvil, etter å ha forstått at stank kan bety mye for et stinkdyr. De finner ulike stinkende ting som stinkdyret kan ha på seg, men innser at de har angrepet problemet på feil måte.