포위망이 좁혀오고, 장현은 길채를 능군리로 보내고 토벌단과 대치한다. 사랑했던 두 연인. 그들의 마지막 이야기.
Rebels within the captives who have returned face treason and the wrath of His Majesty. Jang-hyun hears of this and sends Gil-chae to Neunggun-ri as he turns to confront His Majesty's men. Meanwhile, Gil-chae reaches Neunggun-ri and waits dearly for Jang-hyun to arrive.
Als die bewaffneten Männer näherrücken, schickt Jang-hyeon Gil-chae nach Hause, um sich seinem Schicksal zu stellen. Das letzte Kapitel ihrer Liebesgeschichte beginnt.