Jyushimatsu encontra uma moeda e pergunta a Karamatsu o que fazer com ela. Acompanhe as aventuras de Oso e Jyushi como dois policiais em uma delegacia. Os sêxtuplos resolvem brincar de esconder, mas a brincadeira não sai como o planejado...
Fourteen pine trees that picked up 100 yen. He makes a serious decision after this ...! ?? / There were two famous detectives at a police station in a hurry. Its names are Oso and Juicy. They were chasing dangerous incidents from various angles today too !! / There are a couple of wannabe detectives and the sextuplets play an epic game of hide and seek.
Die Brüder spielen verstecken. Wo mögen sie wohl sein und können alle gefunden werden?