Michiki Reina (愛菜Ashida) jumped to take the overnight train with Nao (Yasuko Matsuyuki)
Nao gave Reina a new name, Tsugami to start a new life as mother and daughter.
They were thinking stopover in hiding. However at the train station Nao had her wallet and all her money stolen.
She could not go to the police, so in desperation Nao decides to go to the orphange she stayed at temporairily as a child to seek her former caregiver.
Unfortunately the orphanage was abandoned with her former caregiver senile. She stays a few days there before the caregiver is taken away to a nursing home, with Tsugami in tow they both head to Tokyo.
레나를 데리고 야간열차에 몸을 실은 나오. 그녀는 레나에게 츠구미란 새 이름을 지어주고 새로운 인생을 시작하려 한다. 그러나 신문에서 레나에 대한 기사를 본 나오는 불안감에 휩싸이고 결국 역에서 돈까지 잃어버리고 만다. 모든 계획이 틀어져 고민에 빠진 나오는 자신이 어릴 때 있었던 아동보호시설을 생각해낸다. 그리고 레나와 함께 그곳으로 향하는데...