Auckland transplant Brian Fraser joins the team - John, Hugh, Beryl and Jim - over at the Department of Stores, where he learns the glamorous ins and outs of supply and demand in the Public Service sector.
An HR rep arrives in DOSI to take stock of the team's educational qualifications, in preparation for a round of internal job applications
Looking to bring DOSI into a new era, Brian Fraser plans to turn Public Service into a state-owned enterprise - and asks Julie to crack down on low dress standards.
DOSI struggles with their new time management sheets in preparation for the arrival of a consultant team.
Julie announces that corporate has decided to move the whole department to Auckland.
Raewyn tries selling medical insurance policies to the team. And Hugh takes out a personal ad in the paper in his search for a girlfriend.
Worried about stagnate profit margins, HR forces the team to attend breakfast motivation meetings to increase productivity.
The department works from Beryl's home to practice how they would keep up business in the case of a natural disaster.
Hugh attempts to have his first date with his internet love match; Brian wants the department to raise their public image.
New security measures are put into place at the office after confidential information about Fraser is leaked to a local newspaper.
Hugh's coworkers rally around him after he is left heartbroken from his breakup; a potential new investor comes to visit the office.
Hugh finds a new way to meet women, while Beryl discovers an interesting new pickup spot. And the future of the department hangs in the balance.