Alan's theory of Tokyo came true when Lillis has made herself known. Alan reveals that he, Gaira, and the Cross Guard met Lillis during the battle against the Chess Pieces and that her parents were the Legendary ÄRM Users that kept her village safe. When she was in the Cross Guard and training with Alan in the Training Gate, she used a Dimension ÄRM to leave. While Jack, Nanashi, and Alviss fight the ÄRM Plenu Ryunu and stone knights, Ginta, Alan, and Dorothy head into the gate to confront Lillis and find out why she is doing the things experienced.
La teoría de Alan sobre Tokio se hizo realidad cuando Lillis se dio a conocer. Alan revela que él, Gaira y la Guardia Cruzada conocieron a Lillis durante la batalla contra las Piezas de Ajedrez y que sus padres eran los Usuarios Legendarios de ÄRM que mantenían su aldea segura. Cuando estaba en la Guardia Cruzada y entrenaba con Alan en la Puerta de Entrenamiento, usó un Dimension ÄRM para irse.