Nachdem die Werwölfe in die Flucht geschlagen wurden, gehen Ginta und Jack auf Shopping-Tour. Ärger ist vorprogrammiert.
The trio arrives at Pezu, a small town where Jack does his trading. As their efforts to search out the occult clown Dimension ÄRM turn fruitless, more trouble's to come: Ginta's again robbed of Babbo by the Stanley bandit. When the boy fights to recover his ÄRM, one unlikely hand of help extends from Alviss, a mysterious yet hostile boy introducing himself as the one who summoned Ginta to MÄR-Heaven using the "Monban Piero" clown ÄRM.
Babbo se enfada con Ginta y trata de escaparse, pero es capturado por ladrones y Ginta debe rescatarlo