The roster's are expanded as the season nears its end, and Kellogg is brought up from the Bats to the Hornets. Goro is excited to see some of his old teammates being promoted and getting a chance to play with them once more, but what will happen will he learns that Kellogg is seriously thinking of retirement?
Le roster s'agrandit alors que la saison touche à sa fin, et Kellogg est transféré des Bats aux Hornets.
팀 로스터가 확대되면서 뱃츠에서 좋은 성적을 올린 옛 동료들이 호넷츠에 합류한다.
하지만 승격이 확실시됐던 켈로그가 돌연 은퇴하게 되는데…
쓰러지신 아버지를 대신해 고향에 돌아가 가게를 맡는다는 켈로그는