It has been 3 years since his dad passed away, but at age 9 Goro is finally old enough to enter Little League Baseball. He returns to the field of the Mifune Dolphins, but when he arrives he learns they only have 5 players and that the team could be folding. To make things worse the soccer club has gotten permission from the city to fully take control of the field. The coach recommends Goro goes to the other Little League team in the city, but Goro is determined to play for the Dolphins and begins recruiting his classmates to play.
아빠를 떠나보낸지 3년. 새엄마가 된 모모코 선생님과 함께 사는 고로는 4학년이 된다.
하지만 4학년 첫날은 옆자리 여자애와 다투고 괴롭힘 문제 때문에 불편했는데...
그리고 고로는 고대하던 리틀리그에 들어가기 위해 미후네 리틀을 찾아간다.
Han pasado tres años desde lo acontecido y Goro, con nueve años, ya puede ingresar a la Little League. Sin embargo, el equipo Mifune Dolphins se encuentra casi sin jugadores,por lo que pierde su acceso a la cancha y podría desaparecer. ¿Qué tendrá planeado Goro para que el equipo no se disuelva?