Honda is successful in his first bat against Gibson, so Gibson retaliates with a beanball to the head. Honda falls unconscious, but he later gets up and goes to first base as though everything is okay. That night after celebrating with his son Honda realizes something is wrong. As he tries to reach his son and give him one final farewell he falls unconscious again and dies. Goro tries to wake his dad up the next day to no success. He is diagnosed as dead at the hospital and Goro's Uncle steps in to take him. Goro runs to his nursery teacher, Shimizu, who has just revealed she was engaged to Honda. She agrees to become Goro's new mom and take care of him over his Uncle
깁슨의 160짜리 강속구를 머리에 맞았지만, 다행히 일어난 혼다.
아무렇지도 않다고는 하지만 시게노와 팀닥터의 강권 때문에 다음날 병원에 가기로 된다.
그리고 다음날 새벽, 잠시 일어났던 혼다는…
Honda ha acertado en batear los lanzamientos de Gibson, pero este no acepta el modo de juego del béisbol japonés. Por lo que pierde la paciencia y realiza un lanzamiento rápido inoportuno, dándole a la cabeza de Honda, cayendo inconsciente. Pese a ello, Shigeharu aparenta estar bien y se levanta sin problemas, pero Shigeno y el médico del equipo le insisten ir a un chequeo al día próximo. A la mañana siguiente Honda se levanta y se da cuenta de que algo no anda bien, y cae al piso.