Haruo Yoshikawa is an ordinary high-school student who lives with his three sisters, Maika, Chiaki, and Fuyuno. Or at least he was, until a new "bewitching" female student named Ayumi Mamiya transferred to his school and is now living at his house and working as a maid! To make things more interesting, not only is Ayumi really a witch, but Haruo's sisters are too!
Moreover, Ayumi needs Haruo because he is the only one who can lift a curse off of her so that she doesn't lose all of her magical powers. The only way for that to happen is to turn him into a real man.
And to top the whole thing off, Haruo doesn't even know that Ayumi or his sisters are witches!
Haruo ve Ayumi en la calle y le cree ser un fantasma cuando ella desaparece misteriosamente. Al día siguiente en la escuela, Ayumi se revela como un nuevo estudiante de transferencia a Haruo aula . Ayumi es recogida en por dos chicos de secundaria pero con el tiempo se ocupa de ellos usando su magia revelando a sí misma como una bruja para las hermanas de Haruo. Creyéndose ser el que trató con ellos, Haruo se va a casa para encontrar Ayumi dormido en su sofá.