Kondoo Isamu III, grandson of the leader of the Shinsen Group of Tokugawa loyalists who fought the New Meiji Government during the collapse of the Shogunate, hires Lupin and company to recover the legendary Golden Cannon, sunk by the Shogunate forces in the Tsugaru Strait (between Hokkaido and Honshu), and which would be worth some 7-8,000,000,000¥ to collectors. The problem is the violent deep-sea current which protects the sunken vessel. A ring toss catch project acquires the golden cannon, but afterwards a death struggle for possession takes place. Okida, controlling a monster squid, takes a do-or-die course of action, shouting that he will take his ancestors' legacy and make Hokkaido an independent country.
Il signor Kendo chiede a Lupin di recuperare la colubrina d'oro, un vecchio cannone ricoperto d'oro, che si trova su una vecchia nave, affondata anni prima nello Stretto di Zugaru, che si trova nel tratto tra l'Oceano Pacifico e il Mar del Giappone.
Kondoo Isamu III, nieto del líder del Grupo Shinsen de leales Tokugawa que luchó contra el Nuevo Gobierno Meiji durante el colapso del Shogunato, contrata a Lupin y compañía para recuperar el legendario Cañón Dorado, hundido por las fuerzas del Shogunato en el Estrecho de Tsugaru (entre Hokkaido y Honshu), y que valdría entre 7 y 8 millones de ¥ para los coleccionistas. El problema es la violenta corriente de aguas profundas que protege al barco hundido.
Isamu Kondo III engage Lupin et sa bande pour retrouver un canon en or coulé par les forces du Shogunat dans le détroit de Tsugaru. Après avoir surmonté de nombreux obstacles, y compris des chasseurs de trésors rivaux, ils parviennent avec succès à récupérer le précieux canon des profondeurs de l'océan.