Der Abschlusstag ist gekommen. Honoka, die all ihre Abschiedsreden hinter sich gebracht hat, begibt sich in bester Laune zur Schule. Vor dem Tor trifft sie Rin und die anderen. Zusammen begeben sie sich zum Clubraum, wo sie eine Trophäe und eine Flagge vorfinden.
Following μ's' victory at Love Live, Graduation Day finally arrives at Otonokizaka. Whilst Nico shows her family around, Honoka and the others work on preparations for the graduation ceremony. Honoka soon comes across Eli reminiscing in the student council room, and gives her thanks to all she has done for everyone. As the opening ceremony gets underway, Honoka presents her commemorative speech, which turns out to be a special song she and the others had prepared for the third years. After the ceremony, Nico assigns Hanayo as the next president for the Idol Research Club, with Maki nominated for vice-president, before the group take a reminiscing tour around the school. Arriving at the rooftop where everything began, Honoka gives a proper sendoff to the name of μ's. Before the girls can get a chance to part ways, Hanayo receives some 'big news', prompting everyone to rush back to the club room.
Après le Love Live vient le temps de la remise des diplômes et de la cérémonie de fin d'études. Honoka doit préparer son discours de présidente du conseil des élèves, pendant que les filles de terminale se préparent à faire leurs adieux à l'académie Otonokizaka.
결국 찾아온 3학년 멤버들 졸업식. 차분하게 진행되던 졸업식은 호노카의 송사와 노래에서 한층 더 감동을 안겨준다. 그렇게 졸업식이 끝나고 함께 교정을 돌아보던 멤버들은 작별에 아쉬워하는데...
Las chicas se enfrentan a un mar de emociones encontradas. Es el día de la graduación y todos los recuerdos de todo lo que han hecho hasta aquí saldrán a flote.